Published in United States of America - Social interactions and entertainment - 06 Jan 2018 11:37 - 3
OK guys/gals , the discounts are on. Â Please remember to ask Entexnos in a PM for gift / loan of 199 gold to buy the 2000 energy storage / booster.
Also, BEFORE you spend any gold remember to take screens shots of  USA  finance page including YOUR gold  both before and after you spend gold.  Entexnos will send you 95% back  when you PM him those SS's.
Also, BEFORE you spend any gold remember to take screens shots of  USA  finance page including YOUR gold  both before and after you spend gold.  Entexnos will send you 95% back  when you PM him those SS's.
The QComments (3)

Voted o7

so hey which is it gift or loan? i see a slash there but they are defiantly 2 diff things

@Gabrielz Horn