Published in Serbia - Warfare analysis - 28 Aug 2018 11:05 - 48
1. We will pay for rents in the following regions:
- Serbia - Rhode-Island, Connecticut, Ilinois, Louisana, Misouri, Kansas
- Romania - Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, District of Colombia, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Michigan, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia
- Serbia = 150g
- Romania = 300g
ALL= 450g/per month
2. Serbia or Romania will give TAX refund for all Avengers countries
* TAX REFUND - 2/3
3. All regions of Avengers will be released (expect USA regions 1 term)
4. Pakistan gets Eastern Thailand, Mexico will keep rest of the Thailand regions
5. Avengers - 18+/19+ won't fight in their RWs and won't set DoWs (vice-versa)
6. If rented regions (USA) are liberated (In RWs) we can DoW and get it back again
The NAP will last 2 months with possibility to extend.
Don Juan CorleoneLajbachKame SenninTugaWolf IIPoooZZnadeonksTheKamKoIronHideXanderBuckwheat McCoycekolkQurcikaArchAngel 70raznov patrikakComments (48)

Signed by SoFA of 18+/19+ alliance.



Signed by MC of 18+/19+ alliance.

Signed by SC of 18+/19+ and CP of Serbia. Congratz both side o7

i am also.Signed o7 The war ended, Fear the peace !peace!

Signed by vSC 18+/19+ and CP of Romania

not signed/rejected

Signed USA CP



Signed, Perú 1.5 clicker player.

Signed by SC of Avengers and CP of Georgia o7

great wars, respect to all participants o7

Signed as random citizen o7


no signed delet Severia

good battles enjoyed them all. o7

DoW alb DOW NOW!!!!



Jajaja no signed for Mexico 🙄😂😂😂.... 🇲🇽🇲🇽

Prefiero morir de pie que vivir arrodillado

đe bosna tu?

Signed for random player

Signed, USA MoFA


2. Iran or Brasil or turkey will give TAX refund for all Avengers countries without Nap
* TAX REFUND - 75%

Avengers , they are teaseing all of you, you will get 2/3 refund of nothing, you should asked more gold for rent, because 18+ bonuses are realy awesome 

Pikice priznaj da ste se malo iscimali a?
Uskoro ulazimo u Berlin, sve smo blizi o/

UFBG give us his back. After this we make NAP. Gold for rent is ok, of course your help would be better of this, but is too late @Peaky

There were many good battles. Congrats for both sides. Let this be start for better future relations o/


@Vortx, I for sure know that half of avengers players will not shoot against Germany, but funny thing for me was that 18+ is offering avengers to work and to get 2/3 refund, even that avengers have more bonuses than 18+

Pikica stavi kavu kuhat uskoro dolazim

islandwoodsie they once again sold all your regions for a ridiculus amount of gold XD
history repeats itself
Soon you will have Romania capital there again and good luck moving em out

به حق پنش تن به زمین گرم بخورید :دی
نه دوستان؟ :دی

signed by fuhrer of gerogia!

Was happy fight. And now whats we are do this days ?

signed as MOD of Georgia

Buen trabajo


Unsigned by CP of BiH

Ne prihvatam nikakve saveze ili alansije

Signed by Spain CP.