Published in Croatia - Social interactions and entertainment - 15 Mar 2020 08:07 - 16

Guys now I need some help
Finally I can t understand that he has problem with me?Iranians?cheaters?my avatar?
Allah?or my mom Lol
please help me... what do you think?what is mojo s problem?
ZuZu61PrdarBiHD o mbstoFolkensVladyslausQuifshaManQuifshaManHaveANiceDayComments (16)

What problem does Mojo have with terrorist / cannibal / occupier killing masterminds like the late General Soleimani?

v c

I keep telling you its the way you post links! For the sake of your readers!

Bikini stfu, who are you to talk ? at least he didnt talk about family you idiot

Mojo is an excellent person, really nice guy...o7

If your mother is not member of your familu then who is ?

Watch your tongue, maggot-faced weedman. Also, let me remark that your English comprehension skills - at least regarding these screenshots - are somewhat lacking, but that might be due to your harmful weed-smoking habit that has practically all but destroyed your already very limited cognivive capabilities.

right, didn t saw more than 2 img s , still he s n1 to talk about it, fucking hypocrite

allways the same ... weed and write , man maybe you need some to stop that mental diarrhea! get a job and stop being so retard..

all of that is written on admin chat..he can see it there...but you only wrote miss part where you tried to insult my mother and you got bitch slapped...i am really sorry but i dont care about your generals,your wars,your religion or any of that shit.for me and your whole nation in this game are little cheating worms that destroy everything in their path.i dont think we should be informed about your real life bullshit here.please ban me i promise i will not make sp multi to come back as you did...and yeah your still owe me pictures

Bikkinn what i hate in this game is that we are bombarded with this middle eastern propaganda...why should i not tell truth about that genocide soleimani? we should all hear their sad stories how they respect him...we have to be all bombarded by islam and their beliefs..i dont believe in that, religion is opium for people...and if i deserve ban for my beliefs i will gladly take it

If I ve said it once I’ve said it a thousand times- Mojo is an excellent person, really nice guy...o7

@Mojo You may not believe anything bitch but you can t insult our beliefs cause I never do same motherfucker...From now on I m talking like you

@safewai you just a money lover trashhhhhhh

Mojo got punked

I totally hate all these extreme nationalists and political religous people. They corrupt all the world.