Published in France - Battle orders - 19 Nov 2022 14:06 - 8
Remember with new election, we start the French wype challenge !
Which country will get the more french core !

Result are now here !
We DW 9 countries and 2 did it by themselves !
Good Game to our country winner :
1) TURKEY which is the first country to get 5 points !
2) Next BOSNIA with 5 points too !
3 : Denmark 3 points
4 : Romania 3 points
5 : Germany 2 point
6 : Serbia 2 points
7 : Israel 1 point
Here are few screen of epic battle !

FRANCE is now wype, great game enemies !
Thanks for your precious help allies !
I hope you enjoy this little challenge offered by France !
And now you know what ?

It's time for all of you to leave French core region and wait for next challenge !
MiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosThe Last Lynx PardinusThe Last Lynx PardinusThe Last Lynx PardinusL E G I O NspageKame SenninLushaPony of DarknessBunnyLiuEldarion SionnodelComments (8)

Have fun without us, and above all don t declare any war, and don t change any alliance. Good eDeath to all. 


Valar morghulis


Tu bad, french community is dead. I remember the vars France Serbia with Vokasi and Govedo in Serbian government it fun. I hope u wake up.

So you spent thousands of EU to buy Gs to stay deleted in this game?
U couldn t even attack the real enemies and decided to give up.
L France

War is continue

That was fun. Thank you. You can start rws to us We wont shoot.
And what is our prize?