Published in Serbia - Social interactions and entertainment - 26 Mar 2016 03:19 - 54
Hello to all our dear citizens
You have all noticed a new event today, but we want to talk more about it. Here is how to play it
Goal of the game is to kill most enemies. Choose a team and move to face the opponents. Each team has safe zones which you can not attack, nor get near.Start by deploying yourself on the board as soon as there is free spot.

Each 15 minutes, players are despawned and board is cleared. Click on your avatar to move(you can move or attack each 30 seconds) or click on the enemy avatar to attack them with normal attack for 70 damage (once you are close to them).

You can use special items available in the store to help you with your mission. Once your Health reach 0, you are kicked out of the battlefield. You can return if you have another life, or wait tomorrow.

Using bomb will inflict higher damage to your opponent

and using shield will increase your Health points to 150.

If your health points drop you can use life to heal (but only up to 100 health max), but with shield, if you have health on 100, you can get max 150 health.

Daily rewards for participating are 30 Q5 food or 30 Q5 weapons, at random. At the end of the event top 5 players by number of kills will receive special rewards.

Use strategy to defeat your enemy. Synchronized attacks with your friends are best way to stay alive for longer period of time. You can always get more lives and equipment in the store.

Now lets move on to changes in the game in the past 7 days. First change is inside your profile. Inside your profile there are 2 new tabs now. First one is for money handling.
Second change inside profile is Travel tab. You can now choose a country, and then a region and click travel, all from your profile, without having to look for a region where you want to move.

If you choose a wrong country or a region, you will need to refresh the page to choose again.
Next change that is coming in 1st April(and it is not 1st April joke) is additional Training ground for players under 1000 Strength that will be free and will get you additional 10 strength/day if you train.

Additional change to the store we made is gifting gold packs. You can now buy a Gold pack for your friend (he also gets premium player status). Just choose which gold pack you want to buy your friend, and enter your friend's profile ID (number at the end of the URL when you open his profile).

We have also fixed region bonuses. If the region has no trade route with the capital, it only provides 10 % of the bonus instead of 20 %.
I would also like to mention that this weekend you can recover your energy at double speed (and if you also have a house, that time reduces even more).
That is all for today. Thank you all for reading, and have a nice day.
eRevollution team
You have all noticed a new event today, but we want to talk more about it. Here is how to play it
Goal of the game is to kill most enemies. Choose a team and move to face the opponents. Each team has safe zones which you can not attack, nor get near.Start by deploying yourself on the board as soon as there is free spot.

Each 15 minutes, players are despawned and board is cleared. Click on your avatar to move(you can move or attack each 30 seconds) or click on the enemy avatar to attack them with normal attack for 70 damage (once you are close to them).

You can use special items available in the store to help you with your mission. Once your Health reach 0, you are kicked out of the battlefield. You can return if you have another life, or wait tomorrow.

Using bomb will inflict higher damage to your opponent

and using shield will increase your Health points to 150.

If your health points drop you can use life to heal (but only up to 100 health max), but with shield, if you have health on 100, you can get max 150 health.

Daily rewards for participating are 30 Q5 food or 30 Q5 weapons, at random. At the end of the event top 5 players by number of kills will receive special rewards.

Use strategy to defeat your enemy. Synchronized attacks with your friends are best way to stay alive for longer period of time. You can always get more lives and equipment in the store.

Now lets move on to changes in the game in the past 7 days. First change is inside your profile. Inside your profile there are 2 new tabs now. First one is for money handling.

Second change inside profile is Travel tab. You can now choose a country, and then a region and click travel, all from your profile, without having to look for a region where you want to move.

If you choose a wrong country or a region, you will need to refresh the page to choose again.
Next change that is coming in 1st April(and it is not 1st April joke) is additional Training ground for players under 1000 Strength that will be free and will get you additional 10 strength/day if you train.

Additional change to the store we made is gifting gold packs. You can now buy a Gold pack for your friend (he also gets premium player status). Just choose which gold pack you want to buy your friend, and enter your friend's profile ID (number at the end of the URL when you open his profile).

We have also fixed region bonuses. If the region has no trade route with the capital, it only provides 10 % of the bonus instead of 20 %.
I would also like to mention that this weekend you can recover your energy at double speed (and if you also have a house, that time reduces even more).

That is all for today. Thank you all for reading, and have a nice day.
eRevollution team
Comments (54)



Hail Pay Game visa

Can't win

I played the game, didn't win any of the random prices, food nor weapons.

One more game for players that are buying gold, thats just nice 

Cowards stay back in thins game.I was alone in front line
But i could kill 2ppl
anyway I only play it if you give me free health.


Tutoriel I cover your back !
Good idea for the new training ground.


"additional 10 strength/day if you train"
Damn where wher these changes when i was under 1000, by 1 april i will be over 1000 

Money money money = game die

Disaster disaster wrong spelling

I'm still against that strength shall be something you can buy. That at least is SOMETHING that should be equal to everyone that login everyday and have same training camps at least.... I don't like when it's implemented as rewards at all from the wheel or now either.... And I think I have spent enough of gold to have something to say about it 

U need to make these games for all the players, beacause we all know if i dont waste now 200 300 gold i cant be in top 5 and thats just dumb, if u gonna put games just for players that are buying gold, then better dont put games at all. Flapy Bird (yea game is dumb) but in that game u needed some skill not your money and what u did? U ofc putted only daily rewards, now in this game when u only can win if u invest u put daily and top 5 rewards and that is just dumb.

The new game, as I will not spend gold on special items, I will not be in the top 5, so it is useless to try to play well. Only play for 30 food and weps

haha, visa event

i would like to say its FREAKING awsome that the change kicks first in, and after two to four hour the article is made and tells us how to. Would be good if somebody from the project team would read a single book about PR.

Same way of erepublik... but wont stay for the same time

Rules description - too late, some few hours.



VISA...again. congrat. PAY2WIN

And for guys that are crying, u have evrything. When u opet a game u have HELP and u can read it u dont need to w8 for article. Just open ur eyes.

we want the baloon not this buged game ..

VISA again....


I thought I will never say this but: Balloon Game was better :S

Not bad

Disaster disaster wrong spelling

on 29 i will make 1000 str and on 1 you ad free str for those under 1000 str????
are you out of your minds?

I thought balloon game is the stupidest idea. I was wrong ... it can be worse ...

omg thank you for the noobs edition training ground!!! over 9000 like!

now I understand.

como de costumbre, no le entiendo nada a los admis con sus weekly event, son pocos en lo que dicen.
Jugadores a adivinar, prueba y error como en todo método científico

ok I sub si vote you
464 - 75

more training gruond for citizen under 1000...
and for other?
And when that citizens will be over 1000?
Add the new training ground for ALL and make it free only at under 1000, is better!

so Visa-event??
dont get me wrong, im not complaining , thats long time passed. And its pointless to say fix problem with companies, thats clear as well that your inactivity there ruined game. So my visa will stay in my wallet

q juego mas malo...
q regresen los globos.. jajjajaa

"Use strategy to defeat your enemy." HAHAHAHAHHAHAA Strategy = use visa?

that additional tg will be kept for ever? Or will be dissolved automatically after 1000 strength? Will this be upgradeable too?

Will this training ground "under 1000 strengt" will stay usable after they reach 1000 strenght ????? wtf ?

horrible juego esta vez

Game's rules: Use your visa to win
Admins sell strengh again, nice. **clap clap clap**

Use strategy to defeat your enemy." HAHAHAHAHHAHAA Strategy = use visa?

I do not see point of writing here when there is no admin to answer.
I also want to know whether If I stay under 1000 till 1st and get it when I pass 1000 will it disapear? Of this happens I'll be fucked up that did not train in order to wait. Second thought, it does not disappear and in this case everybody that made effort to upgrade their tr.grounds will be overtaken by those who did not but now will gain more strengh potencially. What's gonna be?

"Will this training ground "under 1000 strengt" will stay usable after they reach 1000 strenght ????? "
No, you can only use it untill you have 1000 strength or under,

The idea with this event is good, I mean intellectual play, but the main prize will be won always by those who has much gold. Keep it be equal for all, without buying additional items from the store. But it's not convenient for Admins, surely, because none will donate money for event. So, there are Admins themselves who are making the game unbalanced.

Use strategy to defeat your enemy." HAHAHAHAHHAHAA Strategy = use visa?

Use strategy to defeat your enemy." HAHAHAHAHHAHAA Strategy = use visa? from where hp 150???? not every player are 100????

bomb = 100damage, please give me a chance to win something...

Aww yes, free 10strength after 1st April. Thanks admin.

The rules you know ?? -