Published in Japan - Political debates and analysis - 06 May 2016 04:13 - 25

Like you see i am elected to be old/new Emperor of Japan.So i want to use this chance to say thank to all of you who work hard and support Japan. o7
Today i will present you plans for this month and people who will be in government.

I appoint the following people to positions :
vice Emperor : nakituminayashi
Minister of Defense : Shiro
Minister of Foreign Affairs : Panda Killer
Governor :
Minister of Education : synhro
Like you see,governor position is free at the moment,but that will be fixed very soon.I wish to announce promoting 2 soldiers of Amaterasu to command officers :
1) Amaterasu lieutenant : Burjak
2) Amaterasu lieutenant : MrWaReZz
Work hard and make us all proud.

22 days ago we got declaration of war from Ukraine and we lost some core regions due to our war with France and helping our allies.After closing war with France we started our counter attack operations against Ukraine,defending our capital and started pushing Ukraine away from Japan core regions.With few ping pong battles and with great help from our allies we pushed Ukraine back and conquered 2 of their regions : Eastern Siberia and Far Eastern Russia also few regions of Russia and Sweden are returned to rightful owners tnx to our Special Unit Amaterasu.In this month we will focus on defending our borders and help our allies.

1) Like you all know leaders of South Korea decided to start hostile operations toward Japan hitting against us in battles and RW-s.We know that this is action from few ppl and not whole nation,so i want to thank to all South Korea citizens who value friendship with Japan.Future actions toward South Korea will be decided in next few days.
2) During the war with Ukraine we got new friend and ally : Poland.With mive help from them we menage to win important battles and like i already informed Poland Government Japan will remember that and provide help in Poland military operations.
3) Alliance : TRS is officially disband after destroying France hospital,so after that we stay friends with ex-TRS members and continued to cooperate with them.In next few days we will have meetings and decide our next move.
4) Pakistan : New CP of Pakistan contacted Japan Government and after few meetings with him we decided to start our relationship from zero.We decided to give back few of Pakistan regions which we dont need and to support their efforts in restoration of Pakistan.
5) Portugal : With current government of Portugal we have awesome cooperation in which both sides respect deals and show understanding.Player mostly responsible for this is Portugal MoFA Ancestral with his activity,diplomatic skills and kind personality. So in future we hope so for even better cooperation with Portugal.

To make summary : We deflected attack on our Empire,fight hard for our allies, we made new friends and keep old.I want to commend great effort of our Elite Military Unit : Amaterasu and our congressman's who show to me professionalism,discipline and order in fulfilling everyday tasks for our Empire .
Till next time,Emperor of Japan : Shiro

Comments (25)

Good luck! o7



No boobs no vote 

BornaX siso, ima sisa tako da treba vote vote 


Pakistan and Japan, goes together! o7

V! Good luck! 

Voted o7


Thanks for the mention! o7

no Governor in empty house

True face: New - Old Government in Japan

boring! write some answers
skitemisyashi for new emperor!

I accepted the challenge of your officials on the pages of this newspaper: Sjasi Shiro What chalange? This one Now, I throw to you a glove into the face Shiro, the Emperor of Japan, respond with equal reaction to me, CP of Germany, if you have g... and printscreen your industry. This is my industrie Be honest and admit what you have and who paid for this numerous heli companies on your acc. and stop hidding behind your false authority. Men s quality always in front of acc. quality, time spent in the game, and other nonsenses. Respond to your citizens and the whole eRevolution world!

@shisui - As promised here s my industry,

I don t need to see an account of Shiro s puppet. And never ask for that. Let Shiro answer to this challenge, like a man, and not like a coward. I am asking him to face me as CP to CP, and not to send servants account, a slave who is working for 1cc.

@shisui - I ve never shown you disrespect while talking to you..such a disappointment you are, my dear friend. But, while on the subject we all know who s puppet and servant are you. 

I see as the slave every player who is working for 1cc and some food, because that is not a job for a free man. A servant is one who is answering the question instead of other player, even nobody ask him for that. This is nothing personal. So stop comment my comments and let Shiro answer the challenge. If he is an honourable player, this will be no trouble for him. If he is not, he don t deserve to lead Japan. Why is this so hard to understand, my Japanese friends?

Emperor of Japan, we don t need this article. Explain us this laws and . Total 1500 gold is going to your account, and not a single word about purpose? Are we citizens of Japan, and if we are, do we deserve this?

No, we are just a bunch of sheep for them. Gold is only for his crew.

Puppet and servant of German people
. How to do proper? Read about investment in Germany

coward is hiding.
