Published in Turkey - Warfare analysis - 19 May 2016 09:55 - 68
Hello everyone,
As you know, this game allow us to see which country made how much damage in a battle. This is feature I enjoy because it is important to know contributions of allies. I decided to analyze which countries help its allies most, which countries are best friends and which countries are unfaithful :)
Research Method
I wish I could analyze all the battles since the begining of game but I have no time for that. Therefore, I analyzed battles after 2000 ID until today. Which means I have analyzed 275 battles.
I didn't include RWs there are usually no ally contribution in those battles. I also didn't include damages below than 20 million. Of course, If I include these two things, there would be more proper results but considering the time they will consume and their contribution to my data, I had to make a choice.
The Most Helpful Countries

The result prove that top countries who made most damage for its allies are France, Serbia and Turkey. France made more than 3 billion damage and take the lead here. After 10, other countries are Greece, Iran and Georgia.
Contribution per citizen
Total damage made for allies divided by lation.

Best Damage to Spesific Ally
Which country made most damage for spesific ally? The result is here.
France made 1 billion 94 million damage for Turkey
Serbia made 1 billion 13 million damage for Crotia
Turkey made 927 million damage for Greece
France made 828 million damage for Greece
Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) made 686 million damage for Serbia
Loved Ones
Which country received most damage from its allies?

Well done Turkey, your allies like you most! :)
Country Report of Turkey
Which allies did Turkey help most, which allies helped Turkey most?
Turkey helped most

Turkey loves you Greece! :D
Which countries helped Turkey most?

Thank you there, France!
Last words
If you read all these things until this point, please do not forget to VOTE and SUBSCRIBE :) I spent hours for this research.
I wish I could give detailed report of all countries but it would be boring article to read. So, If you wonder about your country report, leave a comment here and If enough people ask for it, I will publish special report for your country, in your country!
As you know, this game allow us to see which country made how much damage in a battle. This is feature I enjoy because it is important to know contributions of allies. I decided to analyze which countries help its allies most, which countries are best friends and which countries are unfaithful :)
Research Method
I wish I could analyze all the battles since the begining of game but I have no time for that. Therefore, I analyzed battles after 2000 ID until today. Which means I have analyzed 275 battles.
I didn't include RWs there are usually no ally contribution in those battles. I also didn't include damages below than 20 million. Of course, If I include these two things, there would be more proper results but considering the time they will consume and their contribution to my data, I had to make a choice.
The Most Helpful Countries

The result prove that top countries who made most damage for its allies are France, Serbia and Turkey. France made more than 3 billion damage and take the lead here. After 10, other countries are Greece, Iran and Georgia.
Contribution per citizen
Total damage made for allies divided by lation.

Best Damage to Spesific Ally
Which country made most damage for spesific ally? The result is here.
France made 1 billion 94 million damage for Turkey
Serbia made 1 billion 13 million damage for Crotia
Turkey made 927 million damage for Greece
France made 828 million damage for Greece
Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) made 686 million damage for Serbia
Loved Ones
Which country received most damage from its allies?

Well done Turkey, your allies like you most! :)
Country Report of Turkey
Which allies did Turkey help most, which allies helped Turkey most?
Turkey helped most

Turkey loves you Greece! :D
Which countries helped Turkey most?

Thank you there, France!
Last words
If you read all these things until this point, please do not forget to VOTE and SUBSCRIBE :) I spent hours for this research.
I wish I could give detailed report of all countries but it would be boring article to read. So, If you wonder about your country report, leave a comment here and If enough people ask for it, I will publish special report for your country, in your country!
KliganeMohammad SaadArgrobSantiago 45bequeMno0bsailbotTyraelosmanlitokadiEsdeathBaba VossafatdedeGreyHadrielThe FallenShaKeD Dublin WarriorhalshleyX2ajdinhoAgamemnonBaburbenbPermanently bannedUruknarbUnknown3IkorxIkorxHeveliusSultan Haydar BasMurattikamilDarkBlackrobysurferbumblebeefaganerosHUNDMGNipiusEsLoX98PraxisexkursionTolgahanuzunThe White DeathHoPeLeSSUmuTMarlockSluttyOrphanJetonGrenManEsLoX98CimenBatuTHE END for PericSSRobinoComments (68)

voted 1st 

Nice effort mate.


v Türkçe versiyonunu da bekliyoruz

This article awesome, We love you Greece ♥

vote..Great article..Keep it up brother 

nice o7

Nice article

This says a lot abot Ukraine: http://prntscr.com/b5zw0b

çok iyi helal olsun

We love you Greece! ♥ And of course, thanks much to our friends from France! o7 We re strong together guys!

V Türkçesini de paylaşabilirsen çok memnun olurum

Very good article , i hope you increase countries in your table in future.

Great article ! V ô7

All my love Turquey :3

Greece loves Turkey too. Respect brothers o7

Aynen türkçe de isteriz 

You re awesome man! Thank you France by the way! We really feel your support. To our lovely opponents: KEEP CALM AND OBEY!

Alert, japanese troll detected

Very good job 



Frank başkan eline koluna sağlık müthiş bir araştırma....

exellent article, congrats man!
i hope 1 day and at a real life to see article for merge countries and religions and not only divide and conquer. All against imperialism erevollution japan 

Bunlarin.bizden cikmasi mutkuluk veriyor.

Voted and subed. Nice article.


V+S hail France

v sub 99

no vene no vote

V + S + E

this is not exact. u need compare the all dmg with the TA damage. Example france hit 100B all dmg from this 50B dmg for his allies (this is 50%). But if Indonesia hit 50B all dmg from this 40B to his allies (this is 80%). The questin is whic one the bigger allie? Who deal more dmg or who hit more for his allies?
Anyway great article VS o7

HUNDMG, I thought about that. I have added one more chart about efficiency, hope it satisfy 


Great report. Make also a report for Romania 

Super article !


Please make a French version ! I want to know who help France the most and who France help the most with percents of total damages

nice article !
but in my opinion, total damage made for ally divided by total damage would be more relevant than total damage made for ally divided by citizens (who may be unactive so not representative)

chabedou, any way to calculate total damage?

vote and sub for effort invested in this article mate. Keep up with good work. o7

The name of my country is Macedonia

@Sharingan, no offense man, I use what game call it.


@Chabedou, that again wouldnt mean much. Example Country A, has no wars, but has allies, all players who fight will have no choice but to hit for allies, therefore Country A could potentially have 100% dmg going to allies regardless of amount of dmg done. Article is good, and graphs are nice and clear, and based on exactly things that author has said . Both big alliances are well balanced in terms of helping to eachother, and its mainly based who and where fight is and dmg needed. I dont see one country that could be named best ally overall.

Ha il France o7

@chabedou, this is exactly good coomparation, Germany have 180 citizens and it is on every graph, this is article about allies and as you can see when Germany fight for allies, we fight with weapons, we fight full FF, we do not calculate

good job bro o7

Serbia is n°1 in damages dealt in this game. Yet they deal less for their allies than they take from them. It could be understandable if their country was about to be wyped or in danger, but it was never the case ! We were trolling, saying that Serbia has slaves and not allies. We actually have the proof of it here !

@esus, while at same time french strength is in visa, and generosity of creators of map.

@Glanza I don t see anything of your statement in those graphics. Did I miss something ?

Ukraine doesn t look good there...

hocam eline sağlık

v + s

Votado o7


Guzel calisma o7

güzel olmuş

Very good troll. O/

You might as well think that, but I could not possibly comment!

Very good article. This Contribution per citizen was the most important to me. o7



france is best ally for us okay? I m living at isle of france, I can t use hospital but I m fine :d