انتشار شده در Germany - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 04 Jul 2016 12:54 - 44
It was 11 days ago, erev day 165 that I, as Supreme Commander of MDP applied for citizenship at Germany.
I was tired enough building eGreece with my cabinet, having the administration of the country for more than 3 months. It was about time to let eGreece take their way without me, without an eternal CP that would be no different than an actual dictator. I wanted a change in my game, a new origin, a new target.
I was bounded with eGermany with strong bounds from the past. Fighters that were present in all Greek battles while defending a mive 3-front attack from TRS, back then. People that never asked anything in return and were always present when their help was requested.
As MDP commander I had lots of countries to apply to. And especially allied countries. I did not. I came to Germany. In order to help people here the way they helped me back then. And then I found blackwidow. Germany did not need my help or any help actually, cause they had such a dymamic woman to lead. Free spirited, great sense of humor and adorable. From the first moment we e-meet, i enjoyed the way she was thinking, her politeness, her spontaneous humor.
I was here to conquer eGermany. And then eGermany conquered me.
Next question comes so naturally to me, i don't even have to try: Blackwidow would you be my e-wife?

I was tired enough building eGreece with my cabinet, having the administration of the country for more than 3 months. It was about time to let eGreece take their way without me, without an eternal CP that would be no different than an actual dictator. I wanted a change in my game, a new origin, a new target.
I was bounded with eGermany with strong bounds from the past. Fighters that were present in all Greek battles while defending a mive 3-front attack from TRS, back then. People that never asked anything in return and were always present when their help was requested.
As MDP commander I had lots of countries to apply to. And especially allied countries. I did not. I came to Germany. In order to help people here the way they helped me back then. And then I found blackwidow. Germany did not need my help or any help actually, cause they had such a dymamic woman to lead. Free spirited, great sense of humor and adorable. From the first moment we e-meet, i enjoyed the way she was thinking, her politeness, her spontaneous humor.
I was here to conquer eGermany. And then eGermany conquered me.
Next question comes so naturally to me, i don't even have to try: Blackwidow would you be my e-wife?

Diamond LadyTyraelno0bsailbotDejanNKShiroTRmanTanninTanninTanninTanninAncestralAgoriaMushvanG 4 M p3trOs V E Rنظر ها (44)


omg ktab realy? YES ofc the rest goes on pm sorry guys 


Ktab in Love ... :-O

So wheres my tequila ?



συνήθως τα λάθη τα κάνουμε μία φορά 

Am I the godfather? 

where is a ring?

So now i need to delete you again

Svaka čast o/

:o ohhhhhhhhhhh

btw will add your wife on skype and show her this :p muahahahahah
p.s. i except 100 gold on my acc before midnight 

shiro, have you ever been invaded by your own alliance??? hahahahahaha

oh ktab go away you come in Germany and take my girls... this means war! xD

Wow, congratulations grandpa!

Shiro no need ; he likes me also cos i know how to take care of myself for a change like you 

Now i m confused. Should i visit you in Germany or Crete ? xD

all i want for u is to be happy! ingame or rl
Another good choice. Aer0Knight honeymoon in crete, let s party!

So, when and where is the party???

And, in this situation Does Black become my e-aunt ? xD

Blackwidow ? sound like death wish to me

αντε βρε,και στα δικα τους οι λευτεροι!

Yay! ,thehehe tequila para todos x).

Αντε με το καλο...Wish you all the best 

kalous apogonous o69

φημες λενε οτι εχει θαψει 3 πριν απο εσενα!!!


lol suprisedddd 

Oh, that escalated quickly

xD Good news. Love and friendship is the most important thing.

Wow congrets guys, so we are waiting official e-wedding

Truth Has been spoken!

GJ adelfe perneis to kalhtero koritsi XD

Χώσου ktab ειναι μούναρος χαχαχα

ktab sorry, but this is an impossible mission.
she is mine .D

How pathetic!!! Who is worse, kbab or blackwidow? Hard question lol

ο7 κταβββββ - καλα στεφανα χD

hahahaha that s cute, voted o7