انتشار شده در Canada - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 20 Jul 2016 21:22 - 12

After long and exhausting negotiations between Germany and Canada , we found a solution.
Guess what happen ? You wont believe !
Our "great and fair" Germany broke mutually ured agreement between our two countries ... I dont think they are still "great and fair" they are now just traitors...

It has taken belligerent action against us.
Most of us read article from Germany CP BlackWidow how she cant understand France reaction (READ HERE
) and what they do??? They show their face and now we know that we cant trust them so everything what we can do it is to call our ally to help us to win this war !!!

Message to Germany and BlackWidow : This time Canada will be free !!! We dont support traitors !!!
_Qurcika_Max KirbiTricky Dickنظر ها (12)

first secure!

This time Canada will be free !!! We dont support traitors !!!

Go Germany!

Kuranfil, no CC for this article

ok i will respond on provocative article
; well first problem in Canada is that many players arrange things all over the world and they are not even in the government.
So when some players give me instructions how and when i should attack it seems strange sorry guys ..also you should tell whole story not only part of it. But we can be anything for you so be it.

BlackWidow please stop with lies,you showed your real face several times

реци им куре


@BlackWidow has a way of making false claims ,without proof ..
And yet I d never receive a single piece of evidence supporting their claims ..What we have here is clear , a faceless government with an alterior motives , and a cp who isn t even wiling to take any sort of responsibility for her actions ..
If anyone has doubts we were unwilling to come to an arrangement and ,stopping this ..I can show them the logs
And lastly , whenever you re wiling to talk , pm me let s make a deal and stop this, else this will not end well for both sides

bla bla bla...and ofcourse blame Japan xD

Sto bi ja pricao na engleskom kad mogu ovako na nasem... To sto si ti ubedjena da cemo vam mi zabosti noz u ledja to je tvoj problem i jos samo da te pitam posto smes ovde u javnosti da se kuropecas sto onda ne odgovaras na PM ? Stvarno mi nisi jasna osoba