انتشار شده در Ukraine - بحث های سیاسی و تجزیه تحلیل - 26 Jul 2016 10:17 - 27

It's my pleasure to announce long awaited NAP between Bulgaria, Iran, Romania and Ukraine.
Those are the terms:
1.No dow between countries involved in this nap until 06 september, except for ceding regions.
2.Ukraine will get Polisia,Dnipro,Zaporozhia,Sloboda and Donbas.
3.Ukraine will have to grant Siveria to Iran.
4.Ukraine will have to grant Volhynia,Galicia and Lodomeria,Taurdia,Barabia and Podolia to Bulgaria.
5.Ukraine will have to grant Bukovina and Subcarpathia to Romania.
6.Ukraine will not fight or start RW's in regions that they cede to mentioned countries, unless they get approval from country leaders.
7.Ukraine will not interfere by any means in Iranian and Bulgarian battles in Russia and Belarus, except if they get approval from country leaders.

KinyasXannibalنظر ها (27)


Signed by Bulgaria - Jus7LeTHaL, President



Signed by Bulgaria - AtilaBG, Prime Minister




that picture is inapropriate. Something like this would be more fitting http://www.professorplastik.com/monster_site/proscenium/kits/xtrakits/othernonmonsteraurorakits/historicalkits/guillotine/art/guillotine2.jpg

ху* вам, малята)

signed - Vtoro random guy on the internet

turkey defeted and ban hole ukraine and now his puppys made nap?! lool

still nice nap from rumanian and iranian side only traitor bulgaria seems gready one

v c

We will liberate Ukraine soon. We didnt sign that nap ;-)


Not signed by me. Ukraine will be fully liberated soon. o/


Idiot traitor bulgarians...



Sorry friends, but you attempt to make a great mistake.

Sorry,but.. I heard Belarus? Can you explain what does this mean?

i doubt you heard that..

So ukranians got shamed enough to be shamed and to get their chance away to build an avarage powerfull contry.... pls change mdp alliance name to we even recruit the man with one leg and we shame whos have two feet and standing

Hopefully Georgia will realize that they also are puppies of Turkey...