انتشار شده در Hungary - دستورات نظامی - 27 Jul 2016 22:53 - 70
Honorable players around the world!
Yesterday, MDP SoFA, Turkish and Romanian MoFA did offer Hungary a reasonable NAP. For the first time MDP offered a reasonable NAP.
We rejected it. Yes we did. We could have our cores back, we could use a break, we only have one region left, but we rejected it.
It must raise the question in your head: WHY?
Why not take the offer?
Well let see first what could be behind the amazing offer?
Many UNITY members faced humiliating NAPs in the recent past.
Look at Macedonia first. They were able to keep their cores, but they not allowed to fight against Greece, and Turkey. We were suffering from these conditions within the alliance. Macedonia can not help Croatia and Hungary against Turkey. To me a term where you restricted from helping your allies through MPP is unacceptable. (cant find article)
Look at Spain who had to give 5 core regions not to get wiped. USA keeps 1 core, Portugal keeps 4. (cant find article, but its visible on map)
Look at Ukraine. Ukraine also occupied by 3 countries. Bulgaria keeps 5 cores, Iran keeps 1 core, and Romania keeps 2 core regions from Ukraine.
These countries were forced to accept these terms, otherwise they have to face complete deletion of their country.
Hmmmm... where was the MDP mandate "we are not deleting nations", we just threat to delete them so they accept ridiculous terms.
We also had an offer from MDP SoFA last week which was similar to the new offer we also rejected yesterday. The old one included that they keep 1 core region from us. I personally ignored the offer, but I asked one of our government official to negotiate which lead to nowhere.
Then after rejection France was called a bad ally for not helping Turkey try erasing us (cant find the article anymore) next day France came for the rescue and France was loved again, later France left the MDP anyways.
Now how strange it is that after France left we get an amazing offer. Not keeping cores, just one actually two of our rental region from Slovakia for 3 weeks.
MDP must be terrified that France will switch sides and that made them find a better tone with their opponents. All of sudden MR. Nice guys.
Here Hungary we give you everything back, we don't want to delete you. Just don't Dow Turkey and Romania, and don't raise RWs against against us and we will leave.
I personally wanted to take advantage of the situation and live with the great offer, but only because it is uncertain who will lead the next term in Hungary and Im not sure if Hungary can handle another term of war against Romania and Turkey without the proper leadership.
So I agreed to meet and I was going to make it official.
However I did find the offer odd and I thought to myself screw you guys!
While this was happening Hungarian players were also voting if we should have a NAP or we should keep fighting and despite the fact that we were loosing so much lately, they just don't want to give up the fight! I looked at the poll and at the time it was 65% wanted to fight versus 34% who said ok it enough may be it is time to recuperate.
So I asked Serbians if they would join the fight with us, if they would attack Romania to help us.
If they do, we reject the offer I stay in leading my nation and fight.
Our Serbian friends accepted my request and declared war against Romania!
Long live SERHUN!
Huge respect!
Now MDP official wrote an article where they basically encourage MDP fighters to delete us because after rejecting a such a great offer we deserve it.
Well where is the "not deleting countries" mandate again?
So what?.. if we don't want NAP we must get deleted?
Well come on, bring on the heat MDP!
Hungary say NAP is for pussies.
We reject MDP offer!
We not signing a NAP so MDP can focus on others within our alliance!
We keep on taking the heat holding MDP back with everything we have!
We do it for the Croatia who's @ss also on the line, we do it for the alliance, we do it for ourselves!
We love to fight!
Whether we win or loose, we hungry for big battles, we are bad crazy Hungarians! :)
We actually just started WW3 :D (Albanian DoW, Greek DoW, Bulgarian DoW)
Not to worry folks, we can handle it! After all its a war simulator, we are here to fight! So let the fun begin! :)
My friends and allies!
If you ever thinking about you have to fight for Hungary again and again, also think about as long we are standing your @ss is not on the line because we hold the front for you! Not signing a NAP did cause more open wars, but if we did sign the NAP MDP would still find the next target!
So that is why you have to fight for us today, tomorrow, and the day after till we kick Turkey out of Europe!
We need to stay on the map to make it easier for all of us!
ALL IN FOR HUNGARY in STD the only region we have left! Fight for it with us!
Thank you for your attention!
Kind regards,
Yesterday, MDP SoFA, Turkish and Romanian MoFA did offer Hungary a reasonable NAP. For the first time MDP offered a reasonable NAP.
We rejected it. Yes we did. We could have our cores back, we could use a break, we only have one region left, but we rejected it.
It must raise the question in your head: WHY?
Why not take the offer?
Well let see first what could be behind the amazing offer?
Many UNITY members faced humiliating NAPs in the recent past.
Look at Macedonia first. They were able to keep their cores, but they not allowed to fight against Greece, and Turkey. We were suffering from these conditions within the alliance. Macedonia can not help Croatia and Hungary against Turkey. To me a term where you restricted from helping your allies through MPP is unacceptable. (cant find article)
Look at Spain who had to give 5 core regions not to get wiped. USA keeps 1 core, Portugal keeps 4. (cant find article, but its visible on map)
Look at Ukraine. Ukraine also occupied by 3 countries. Bulgaria keeps 5 cores, Iran keeps 1 core, and Romania keeps 2 core regions from Ukraine.
These countries were forced to accept these terms, otherwise they have to face complete deletion of their country.
Hmmmm... where was the MDP mandate "we are not deleting nations", we just threat to delete them so they accept ridiculous terms.
We also had an offer from MDP SoFA last week which was similar to the new offer we also rejected yesterday. The old one included that they keep 1 core region from us. I personally ignored the offer, but I asked one of our government official to negotiate which lead to nowhere.
Then after rejection France was called a bad ally for not helping Turkey try erasing us (cant find the article anymore) next day France came for the rescue and France was loved again, later France left the MDP anyways.
Now how strange it is that after France left we get an amazing offer. Not keeping cores, just one actually two of our rental region from Slovakia for 3 weeks.
MDP must be terrified that France will switch sides and that made them find a better tone with their opponents. All of sudden MR. Nice guys.
Here Hungary we give you everything back, we don't want to delete you. Just don't Dow Turkey and Romania, and don't raise RWs against against us and we will leave.
I personally wanted to take advantage of the situation and live with the great offer, but only because it is uncertain who will lead the next term in Hungary and Im not sure if Hungary can handle another term of war against Romania and Turkey without the proper leadership.
So I agreed to meet and I was going to make it official.
However I did find the offer odd and I thought to myself screw you guys!
While this was happening Hungarian players were also voting if we should have a NAP or we should keep fighting and despite the fact that we were loosing so much lately, they just don't want to give up the fight! I looked at the poll and at the time it was 65% wanted to fight versus 34% who said ok it enough may be it is time to recuperate.
So I asked Serbians if they would join the fight with us, if they would attack Romania to help us.
If they do, we reject the offer I stay in leading my nation and fight.
Our Serbian friends accepted my request and declared war against Romania!
Long live SERHUN!
Huge respect!
Now MDP official wrote an article where they basically encourage MDP fighters to delete us because after rejecting a such a great offer we deserve it.
Well where is the "not deleting countries" mandate again?
So what?.. if we don't want NAP we must get deleted?
Well come on, bring on the heat MDP!
Hungary say NAP is for pussies.
We reject MDP offer!
We not signing a NAP so MDP can focus on others within our alliance!
We keep on taking the heat holding MDP back with everything we have!
We do it for the Croatia who's @ss also on the line, we do it for the alliance, we do it for ourselves!
We love to fight!
Whether we win or loose, we hungry for big battles, we are bad crazy Hungarians! :)
We actually just started WW3 :D (Albanian DoW, Greek DoW, Bulgarian DoW)
Not to worry folks, we can handle it! After all its a war simulator, we are here to fight! So let the fun begin! :)
My friends and allies!
If you ever thinking about you have to fight for Hungary again and again, also think about as long we are standing your @ss is not on the line because we hold the front for you! Not signing a NAP did cause more open wars, but if we did sign the NAP MDP would still find the next target!
So that is why you have to fight for us today, tomorrow, and the day after till we kick Turkey out of Europe!
We need to stay on the map to make it easier for all of us!
ALL IN FOR HUNGARY in STD the only region we have left! Fight for it with us!
Thank you for your attention!
Kind regards,
BATASHARothbartMenjikCacique TerepaimavooztrollinMarlockEva BraunsitareEl ProfesorFudalamKillerWhaleBoraxMesterYodaGeneral RocaLieutenant Dildoنظر ها (70)


Hail Hungary ●/

Lets get kebabs!


Big respect for Hungarians !!!
We will fight for fredom !
Remove kebab from Europe is our mission .

Big respect for Hungarians !!! We will fight for fredom ! Remove kebab from Europe is our mission. x2

Today proud to be a Hungarian.
Always proud to fight with our allies!


I think it was a very good decision. MDP country leaders, who want to sit on bonuses in wordpeace should go play farmville or something like that. This game is about war and no matter if we are loosing or winning, we should fight. Fight for our country, fight for our allies and fight for our real friends.


Yo hohohohohohohohoohoh

SerHun o7

Amazing article o7

SERHUN forever o7

Csak hatott rád a tegnapi rinyálásom 

SERHUN do not exists, last time when SERHUN was live it was year 2010 in some another game. If SERHUN exists it will be totaly different situation on the map. Below average leaders led Hungary and Serbia to a very difficult situation. If you make plan you need to build then to be long term, not short term madness like this.

Big respect for Hungarians !!! We will fight for fredom ! Remove kebab from Europe is our mission. x3


Bring on the heat. Lets have fun. Admins will love this. More money to come 

Where are south Serbs?



Big respect for Hungarians !!! We will fight for fredom ! Remove kebab from Europe is our mission .


Look I detected some Phantom puppies. Butthurt?

Hail SerHun o/



Hail Hungary

brave decision


much respect! together we will remove them! long live the UNITY!

ahahahaha https://goo.gl/CU5lpN 

That s why I fight for our true allies like Hungary! You are real soldiers, brave and trustworthy!
For Hungary until last energy!

All respect o7


hmm respect

Ildoko I love to see you cry

Hail SerHun! o7

Big respect for Hungarians !!! We will fight for fredom !
Hail SerHun! o7


bye bye

That s why I fight for our true allies like Hungary! You are real soldiers, brave and trustworthy! For Hungary until last energy!

Respect Hungary!! o7!! Today is a nice day for victory!!

SerHund(norwegian) o7

Sounds nice, but Ukraine part is a huuuuge crap, which sound be explained a bit. As you know, Ukrainians are highly anti-polish. And as soon as Ukraine would get a border with Poland, they will attack. As far as I know, some people tried to end that PL-UA war so long, they finally got angry at Ukraine (they wanted full-wipe and no giving any regions in first three months of that war). Personally, I hate MDP. I don t like be forced to hit in battles I don t understand. Yet everyone around me are thinking Poland not in MDP equals suicide. Well, it looks like possible scenario too - strong MDP countries are bordering Poland and may freely threat. D: Chirp Chirp

Respect Hungary, there is some obvious misleadings in article but you fought well, and you will fight well. You are a formidable foe, it was great to fight you against. I hope one day we fight side by side too.


SerHun o7

#WipeHun o7

SerHun o7



HUN o7 http://prnt.sc/byque6

Respect o7

Respect and good luck on battlefields !

BraHun o7

bay bay unGurilor

Support from Canada!!

You asked Serbia (batalia) and he promised help, like always so who is puppet? And one more thing you suffer phantom syndrome, diagnosis you cant live one day without mantion me
now write apologize nejachi

indo will always respect the hun o/

WTT Budapesta for Ildiko

@Asmin: Here is the Ildiko you deserve: http://fos.hu/bn4


Phantom you wish that you are the centre of my attention, but I have to disappoint you. I don t give a sh*t about you. I just noticed that some of your puppies are butthurt for Serbia declaring war against Romania to help us.

Big respect for Hungarians !!! We will fight for fredom ! Remove kebab from Europe is our mission .