انتشار شده در Romania - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 26 Aug 2016 01:10 - 231
1. This Week's Event seams to not even work on all platforms and all devices. Players report that it can not be launched on some smartphones or tablets.
2. There is no creative side in it .. this game is a copy and a very bad copy of a game named Flappy Bird, that came out 2-3 years ago and its open source code.. they just changed the background a little and put the idiotic balloon instead of the bird....
3. People with unstable internet or slow PC's can't even p 2-3 gates..
4. Cause it sucks.
5. Cause it sucks even more.
6, 7, 8, 9... Cause it can not be done by everyone and therefore it is not a equal EVENT for everyone.
PS: Please state more opinions about it and more facts why we don't want it.
Also don't forget to vote and subscribe if you agree with me!
1. This Week's Event seams to not even work on all platforms and all devices. Players report that it can not be launched on some smartphones or tablets.
2. There is no creative side in it .. this game is a copy and a very bad copy of a game named Flappy Bird, that came out 2-3 years ago and its open source code.. they just changed the background a little and put the idiotic balloon instead of the bird....
3. People with unstable internet or slow PC's can't even p 2-3 gates..
4. Cause it sucks.
5. Cause it sucks even more.
6, 7, 8, 9... Cause it can not be done by everyone and therefore it is not a equal EVENT for everyone.
PS: Please state more opinions about it and more facts why we don't want it.
Also don't forget to vote and subscribe if you agree with me!
Pardaillankolos01sorensoulstenanceSrLukosteanromanCaptain HarlockKPYMT O R E T T OHanyokrowatinagant895lutorBarrocaJoanidHadrielWinston XStyle BlueAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaنظر ها (231)

Change this event

I love balloons 



only thing about it is that record should be kept for entire day and some special rewards should be given to top 100 players at the end of each day . Lets say #1 50g, #2 30g, #3 20g.. etc.. from #20-#100 - 40tanks . Or at least rewards for reaching this medals in game

No to event

I swear the character is a balloon, but the hitbox is a square. Pathetic event. Laggy, shitty and unplayable.

event is stupid

Worst event ever



1.This Week s Even seams to no even work on all platforms and all devices. Players report that it can not be launched on some smartphones or tablets.
this is me

change, this events is stupid


1.This Week s Even seams to no even work on all platforms and all devices. Players report that it can not be launched on some smartphones or tablets. this is me too


I cannot play this event.

I cannot play this event in my smartphone


It s crap and has no relevance to eRev.

change event

remove this ****

Thw event is good you are so noOob


change event

Good if not better than ever this event


change event

Change event!

fu** this event :|


Chiar o prostie

40 q5 weapon .... bad event bad prize

Let me show u how it works :
1.The reason why is not playable on all devices is because the game is made under action 3(flash file)...i have a couple of suggestion for it you can download puffin browser from any ios or android and ur good to go
3.Those dude who have low network can try to adjust the resolution
One suggestion i have for the admins is to add more rewards to this i scored 72 points only for a 40 q5 tanks :/ http://prntscr.com/calr4c

Not playable on smartphones / tablets, so, no event for holidays
One more reason: This game make me pee !!

vote!!! change the event!!!

http://prntscr.com/caly77 40 q5 food. Seams the event prize is random. lol

change Event

Please change the weekly event, many player can t play it and than can t have they reward...

1.This Week s Even seams to no even work on all platforms and all devices. Players report that it can not be launched on some smartphones or tablets.
It wont work on
octacore ffs!!
So no rewards for me this week :-/

this event stinks

I support this change, o7

admin is biggest trol 

Change this event

this event sucks

Change event 



Worst event ever

simply hated it, couldnt even think of reasons why delete it.

it isn t game related. This is very stupid.

Change it.

Change this event

does not work on phone

Agree totally
Worst shitty event of all


So, how am I supposed to play it with weak, old laptop and bad internet connection? Guess I should buy a $2000 gaming rig in order to run eRevollution and complete Flappy... Uh, I mean... Air Baloon. Also, as someone above said - the weekly event is not game related. Let s see if admins will listen to us and change weekly event, or they simply don t care about us players.

Change this event


this event is sucks. But thats what im waiting for by this game suck and more suck.

Cause it suck,,,XD good point

I agree and I dont understand why are they pushingn this piece of cr*p so much when it obviously sux and most of players hate it?

Admin is just a troll, ignore him xD

event not working

10. The prizes are random !!!!

As usual admin don t care feedback of people.
It s not the first complain for this stupid event

I ve never seen such a game ! It s a great opportunity for me to try it !! Love it !!

Change This Event!!!

I cant play this event in my smartphone an notebook

This event is too problematic. Please, never again :/

change event

change. i prefere without event. CHANGE NOW

Change please cant play on android

its alright , i actually like the event becausr it makes ppl mad but its a shame i cant play it on android phone and cant use pc right now

Change it



Change event!

Change event!

admin #1 po suntavilo 

Change event

#Change Event

Signed can t so nothing due to my holidays on android 6.1

#Change Event

Stupid event. Keep it stupid, please

Adminio I Love You 




#Change Event ! Please !


Remove event sell blitzkrieg pack instead of it...

event is stupid


change event, this event sucks :-( ;-X

1) use PC
2) who cares
3) use modern PC
4) its your problem
5) its your problem even more
6,7,8 and so on) not every weekly event can be done by everyone but nobody said before that it is not equal


Change it


dont change it!

Change it : /

this Event SUCKs!!!

I like this event

Weekly events not avaible for phone and android users

How does a balloon pop on a smooth brick wall?
Invisible barbed wire fencing around it?



voted of course.. kick out this event!

delete this event from your database, it is retarded...


Change this f***** event, we dont want that ****

s***t event

it doesnt matter if it is playable or not... the prices also doesnt matter... if i want to play flappy birds or jump and run games i log out from erev and play a good made game...

s*hit event



Change the event!

Y E S!!!!

Change the stupid event!


shitty event


Calm down bro..
Also agree

Ridiculous event


If I wanted to play Flappy Bird I would log out of eRev and play it in my phone.

this event is for retards


It doesnt work on my phone. Change it


v 250 sal gelsin

the mission name is: FINGERING SOLO!!

impossible to play stupid game!!!!

eRev pls, flash plugin is deprecated in most of respectable navegators and devides


Want true event, not fake event, change it

my god!!! with this ridiculous and pathetic event, this game and its developers have lost a lot of dignity.....

This sucks

Change the event admins

Damn weekly event this week! Play it as a dummy...

Change it admins! it sucks so hard.

Not working event.

I gained 2 points in the baloon mini game. Yup, it sucks!

Couldn t be more agree with that

Change this event

We love this event

Just horrible!

I cannot play this event in my smartphone

Not sure what was worse, the event or your arguments beyond the 4th one.

i can play this event in my smartphone i cant do that also from my pc cause i have bad internet connection at home , is insane :/

Change This Event!!!

Change this event!!!!


Yes yes yeeeeeesssss

back to , fuck baloons.

There is no competition in this so called event... And the reward sucks

i love this event


#NoChange. Air balloon for life!

#GottaLoveItAfterYou veDoneIt


#NoChange. Air balloon for life!



change event !

change event v331

thias event isn t working on my phone or pc...

Biiiiiig NO!

1) use a different platform 2) so what, I like it 3) get a job and improve your internet connection, which is relatively cheap in Romania 4) too much of a challenge for you? 5,6,7,8,9) quit whining, crybaby

That event annoyes me...

change event !

The game sucks... it s buggy and collisions don t work correctly. go ahead and try it and you see what I mean...

Change this event

Not working event.

No to this event



crap one

dont tell me we will have this event several days? then i rather skip it, add at least something that doesnt drive people crazy or accident damage your property (broken screen, keyboard etc.)
Add Tetris-clone rather and people have to build several lines to pass.... To have a game that drives people crazy and is most hated weekly event.... What is the point?


The hit box is completely broken + it starts to freeze a bit the further u progress in the game.
Ha ! And I don t see how this game is linked to erev...

The game is awesome what is wrong with you ? 

Number 4 says it all!
This event sucks

This event is a big shit 💩

Admin change event

change the event!

We want events in direct connection with this platform, not some bad imitations.
Change the event!

change it

It a poor copy of a crap game, not even worth the time of day looking at it

Change this event...

Change pls..

Change this event...
and remove it forever


definitly to be changed !!!!!!!!!!!

Event is irrelevent to the game. I dont play it

Change this event... and remove it forever x10000000000000000000000000000

YES the best one

Pls remove this event permanently. Everyboda hates it... Any relevence cannot be found with this game. Flappy Bird clone is MMOPG game? No?


Change the event

Change this event!!!

I think we dont have enough Air Balloon in erev, so I vote to make it a permanent event. 

Change the event

Повне лайно ця евентова гра 

Change this event!!!

Change this event

You should ve taken account of the naționalitate during the vote. Most of the Romanians didn t vote dor this event. Each country should ve had its own weekly event.


You are killing yourself but admin is sleeping

As usual admin dont care feedback of people. Its not the first complain for this stupid event

change this idiot event

admin get up |:

no !


There are, as far as I can see, three (3) players supporting the event, and I am not one of them.
The author should be banned from computer for a month.


stop complain and enjoy it 

it s for idiots...

#4 and #5!!!!


please change this idiot game!

Change the event admins