انتشار شده در Croatia - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 14 Sep 2016 08:53 - 40

This article is made for fun and if you got offended I dont really care. Enjoy :)

TopSecretMihaTwisterPortuguese soldierGibeSKynet00spageBiskvite sisaj kuracCikaSpasojePolarB34rrad88SharinganNemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95Nemanja95DaltonicDStrangersthekrekcUckyUckyGobyzGiovanno69نظر ها (40)


Kme kme donci 

hahahaha i dont care, i got a decent laugh tho ! endorsed

Good o7


That s not a bad one
but why you blame them if Serbia declared war?

all i said here is that they switched sides nothing else
and that part is true

They didn t switched side, they re not in mdp, they just signed mpp with countries that fight against a common enemy.

yea they arent in mdp like france isnt

BattleHero +1

Beogradski pashaluk used crying, ITS SUPER EFFECTIVE !

XD voted


Mobile phones are older than FYROManian nation

All goo, except their name is FYROM, not to be confused with greek region of Macedonia...




Serbia betrayed us that is a fact

@master ima potencijala u tebi, svaka cast

Good thing that we were right when no one wanted FYROM in the alliance, they are the kings of leaving allies fighting vs many enemies while they sign NAPs like the cowards they are
It isnt a surprise that they betrayed us, its something normal for them 

Fala ti nino 

@ASAP Serbia betrayed us 100 times..and they still says we are guillty LOL funny people Eastern Croatia

Cryatia does it best thing. Makes her every ally hate them, so they can cry freely. It is not a coincidence that Turkey and France have a fuckton of allies but Croatia with Serbia have only few. But it is easier to cry, than to work.
If I were be from FYROM, I surely would not give a fuck about it [article].

hahahah znaš ga zavuć što jest jest 

Hahaha a moran malo

vec sam se prestrasio da si se vratio u hr

A zato se netribaš bojat, bar ne u skorijoj budućnosti 

this is actually funny article.
I have no idea what happened, but nice to see good respectful troll article

MasterAltait you are a good troll but you use wrong info, this is simply not true.

Fyrom fyrom

essenin @ lol how did macedonia betray you when you where the one that attacked macedonia xD noobs

Wait wait, you left them out of new alliance and now you are surprised that they are drifting to MDP? Wtf where s the logic?

Bruh... this is troll article not logic article

you mean FYR0M


lol, y mean FYRoM
