انتشار شده در Germany - دستورات نظامی - 24 Sep 2016 12:25 - 16
More about reward system you can read here
Today it was applied single player reward system in battle Serbia-Bulgaria
Players who won rewards are:

It is crucial to be active on skype and discord , for that you can read this article
Today it was applied single player reward system in battle Serbia-Bulgaria
Players who won rewards are:

It is crucial to be active on skype and discord , for that you can read this article
PANZER stronKR A F A E Lنظر ها (16)

Again reward for battle for Serbia. And only for Serbia?

Shisui you have forgotten that you arent anymore in Germany.

Peaky, you have forgotten to give me back my gold. Also you forgot that I will continue to hunt serbian agents accros the world, because they act like a vampires in foreign countries, taking gold instead of blood and use it for a good of Serbia. And this program proves this opinion.

Shisui you have 100 gold loan that you didnt pay when you left Germany, you have 15 days to pay that loan, after that i will notify moderators to mark you as scammer

Eu sou um o prato de leite. Arrudiado de gatinha

Peaky you have 3 days to give me 50 gold invested on Agoria s account, what he got of Restive, because I told him to send him as a loan instead of giving me back, because I give it to him to build heli companies.
Second, for first Germans Q4 Hospital I give 20 gold and all House Raw, and you didn t give anything at all. This Hospital worked several months, and every Germans player used this Hospital. Now I want you to give me back my House Raw, without this 20 gold.
2 months I give all my incomes to Germany. I produced DS q5 and use my dayli production of 5 k HR and my gold to buy more House raw. Other Germans donate a part of needed house raw. In this time we sell it for a price of 130 gold. This gold was donated to the Treasure.
At least 3 DS was builded all by myself and I want Germany to give me back my money!!!
Because, you change Germany, and this is not a same country as it was. You changed political course, made enemies of our friends, introduced Shiro s system of ruling the country, start invest Germans gold on your multi account s and didn t give back loans to the country. In the end, you start to be servants of another country (erased recently) and betrayed old friends who saved Germany in the past.
When you send me back my gold, I will be more than glad to give you your 100 gold.
You should shame on you, this behaviour is really pathetic.

And also the question - how much gold you take of Germany, how much you pay it back, when you will give back the rest of this amount and will you ever? Maybe moderator should mark you as a scammer?

Oh for gods sake, how many times I have to explain you, I gave you your gold back (even I didnt have to, because you GAVE it to me when you left) , those 50 golds went to treausure so dont call my name for that, about hraw lol, I gave hraw for ds, you and your companies couldnt make it in a month, stop with lies, you are manipulator and a liar and this is last time you heard from me, God help country which you advise.

No Agoria, you are lying again! At least you admit that you receive this gold og me.
First, this was the round system of help and support. You didn t use it for building companies, but you pay MY gold to Treasure and present it as YOUR giving back of public loan. You don t deserve any gift of me, so give me back my gold, or explain your Governor that this gold is already in the Treasure.
Second, during this 2 months, 10-15 DS q5 was produced on my account. You know it, because you was a sitter. It is without any doubt, that at least 3 of them was builded completely of my resources. How? 5k of house raw x 60 days, makes 300 000 house raw, exact amount of needed raw for 3 DS. My incomes of medals was used for the salary of workers, for this and any other builded DS.
In this 2 months, I didn t spend gold for anything else, didn t build new companies, didn t buy weapons or EB, and you know this well. All DS was given to Germans council, most of them was sold. When I receive gold, I transfer it to the Treasure. Moderator should be able to trace this. So, why are you luying?
I am expecting Germans Government to start negotiations with me about this transactions, and give you the opportunity to set the things straight, as it should be.

Shisui, 14 days left

nothing was produced on your acc, where is my gold that i gave you in that round system,-My incomes of medals was used for the salary of workers,- you are lying, I was governor then and i sent you money for salaries, you and your empty talks, you disgust me, return the gold to Germany or you will be labeled as scammer which I believe you are.

Let the moderator check my arguments. Both of us knows what is the truth, but you are trying to hide this.
Simple question Agoria: why did you got the ban, and why your companies are erased on this account?

thatsquestion for moderators , how you know this, you have some infos from mods???thats against the rules, i will speak with admins about that, if i cheated i would get perma, agreed?

ok first question : are you mod shisui that you can see deleted companies??? second what you did in past like we all do is not something that anyone owe you cos you did it on free will like the rest of us ...so it is funny to asking that back now. And in the end we all gave hraw for that and also where did you get so much money for made so many companies ? i cant see any star on your profile
