انتشار شده در Germany - تجزیه و تحلیل جنگ - 25 Oct 2016 14:56 - 71
After Hungarian NAP and the way that was done, breaking alliance treaty, there have been a short meeting of alliance HQ. There we decided the alliance disband. Since everyone will fight alone there is no need to have an alliance for that.
Wish all previous members of Invictus best of luck and good battles.
It was an honor
Wish all previous members of Invictus best of luck and good battles.
It was an honor
BattleHeroSCAMAlejandro Madrid12345ImparaTDiamond LadyZE BUNDAKinyasنظر ها (71)



Quite indeed, the end of an Era.. Reminds me of Nexus, Sadly :/

*Wish all previous members of Invictus best of luck and good battles.* o/

We coming for you. 

I m sad to see this.


Germany s happy ending

Congratz MDP for another victory and respect to all our opponents who have fought hard o7

Congratz MDP for another victory and respect to all our opponents who have fought hard o7

Sad to see this. But as Serbs like to say: Нејачно бајо мој.

From the beginning it was built to fall.

Now Serbia will make another alliance but without Hungary in it?


well MDP you know who will never sign NAP, so bring it on

Good luck to all comrades in future o7


Congratz MDP for another victory and respect to all our opponents who have fought hard o7

Hail MDP!

Finally MDP wont wipe countries that signs with what they call the wrong alliance. Or will they ?

This is victory?? 70:30 hahahaaha

Well we all knew, in the end, this alliance will end up either resting in peace (Dead) or be resting in pieces (In-Fighting)

too bad. bring some new strategies or this game will die

Well fought by both alliances, perhaps this will be a more powerful blow to MDP hegemony than any coordinated assault. A momentous and epic ending of an era indeed.

I hope good changes happen soon. and make game interesting again.

sure we won t miss the chance to make your game interesting.. lol


TRS-WOLF-UNITY-INVICTUS... https://youtu.be/-BiLCJxpqi4?t=27s

Pace Voua

@Imperius TRS was victorious. It disbanded in order to preserve balance

Well fought both alliances.



It is time to remake all alliances so 

I just hope there s no new alliance as invictus soon.

The King Crab will dominate the world.

We Hungarians have been fighting alone since the beginning of this new war, as our allies proved to be completely useless contrary to what they had offered before the war. So we just had to quit. There is no need for an alliance that cannot stick to any plans they made. Croatia remains our brother - mostly for their brotherly help during the Summer War - but I personally would not like to have any other ex-Invictus member as an ally - for now.


sad to hear that 

Congratz MDP for another victory and respect to all our opponents who have fought hard o7

I won t fight in any battle until MDP collects 99% of damage. Then I can fight for real.

That wasnt funny, Smokey.

RIP Invictus, MDP has no reason to exist also now...


I feel sorry for Invictus, after all this is a game wich all of us come here to distract for real world. i subscribe what @Ahileus said. After this, the game will lose some life and MDP fights wil not be so funny.
Time to remake Invictus...

Well, you left Eclipse for VISA players, Eclipse who helped you a lot in the past. You joined Invictus and as we see Invictus died very fast. So good luck.

hahahaha, that didnt last for long 

SerHun o7

Ya... the end of sacrificing everything for the might of a single country who doesn t care about her allies era
Prepare for your own end now...

Sad da im natenane ____________ majku majcinu xD koji qrac, koji MDP

GG, ez win.

RIP Invictus

Biraderim şimdi ne yapıyorsun biliyor musun 33 liraya güzel bir protein tozu alıyorsun karıştırıyorsun muz falan işte gidiyorsun salona tam 11 kere şınav çekiyorsun bak burası çok önemli. Ondan sonra gidiyorsun 7 kere dambıl kaldırıyorsun 3.5 kilogram olacak ondan sonra duvarları kırabilirsin tek yumrukla kardeşim. Çok iyi form tutarsın eğer benim dediklerimi yaparsan

Panzer Ace we are not talking about IRAN here.. Prepare to shut down servers now noob

Well ...hungary they are your friends

Now i am looking as much objective as i can. You made terrible mistakes last couple weeks. First you pushed away Macedonia without any reason, and insult them. Then you lost eclipse just for troll army and russian visa players. As Germany you expect that hungary and croatia fight and defend your full bonuses for a while. But you never made long term plans, just tried to save the day. We did nothing, just watched you fight each other and fall apart. If someone broke the balance, its you, not us. There is huge trust issues between invictus members, every country is digging another s grave at background. Now even if we disband MDP noone can trust and join an alliance with you. Do you think that macedonia will trust and create alliance with germany for instance? Of course we need to maintain balance, there is no meaning to playing the game if we have no enemy, i agree with you on that but it will take some time. I must say, there is a century between invictus and MDP as strategy.


@Agamemnon LOL

Imperius too bad that you typed so much time to say nothing at all. Absolutely noyhing. You are so far away from reality that i will not even bother answering.

@ktab i hope that its another player playing ur acc otherwise i am really dissapointed of ur words. One of a sudden ur intelect is gone

You don t have to answer anything, because i am not asking. You are not reading to understand, just reading to answer. Its the reality itself if you are not talking about another game.


After Ukrainslaves nap, this is another questionable...
Good job o/

Germany will not be alone

Imperius i agree with you thats the truth ...believe ktab in it or not