انتشار شده در Turkey - تجزیه و تحلیل جنگ - 10 Nov 2016 11:14 - 36

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Neutral strong


Since when Greece is on our side? Brazil makes all their damage against Germany, meaning against us. Portugal, Mexico, Italy - also. You say Canada is on our side but you put Ireland - the country with which they have war at the moment as neutral, lol.



Greece joined Side 2 when they helped Germany here https://www.erevollution.com/en/battlefield/5749/1

battlehero, better start over the troll articles where you was a big hit, in starts you simply suck. If they had you at USA, Hilary would be president now hahahaha

ktab, i can say the same about you cos you estimate us to have 72% of total damage

You are wrong. I said OVER 72%. And if you place the countries correctly, you will find the appropriate result. I hope you are biased only at your stats, and not in other duties you have in this game

Some greek players made 370 millions in one battle, which is good, but that is very low damage and Greece did not sign MPPs with our side. Remember how many billions they have done for you in the past months?

At least half of that neutral damage power should go to side 1 and we get side 1 55 to side 2 35 percent.

v c

Aga come back

Belgium Rulz! -1 active player 


I think it is always funny, when propagandists from the former MDP side trying to create balance in this game with statistics. But this balance exists only on the paper. In reality, the game is dead, because of the farmville behaviour of former MDP side.

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Analizde 1. sırada çıkmamış ama uygulamada o 1 dekinide havada karada suda her türlü alırız.

nice propaganda about Greece

good propaganda indeed

@BattleHero , check this out ... http://66.media.tumblr.com/d59db58bc9b1f17b022e5039211e72e0/tumblr_nxy8yvyowB1rr5kcxo1_1280.jpg
It s just funny !

lol, nice propaganda

Greece didn t joined in side 2 i think. I see only 2 law about side 2 in Greece Laws and they can help because mdp disband and every mdp members are free.

Not that it would change much but Venezuela is definitely on the red side and not neutral

Good. v.


good job o7