انتشار شده در Romania - بحث های سیاسی و تجزیه تحلیل - 14 Nov 2016 05:24 - 89

First Step: Achieving 100% bonuses.
I want to start by thanking Turkey,Bulgaria and Hungary for allowing,helping and supporting us in our way to become an empire.
Our plan to achieve 100% bonuses it's not a secret, we said it publicly before and we'll do it again now, everyone who will stand against us will suffer, especially Ukraine who adopted a hostile position toward us.
We already have 100% weapon bonuses and we're missing only 2: Sand and Fruits which we can take from Eastern Slovakia and Volhynia (Subcarpathia and Galicia as bridges) in the upcoming days.

We will boost our economy by becoming the most profitable country to live and work in.
We'll lower our currency to 0.005 becoming one of the few countries that print CC without profit, allowing you to build Q4 raw companies for only 15g, train at the cheapest costs, work as manager in 100% bonuses with lowest tax possible, also giving you the option to take our citizenship and pay only 1cc per company.
We also increased the wages to 1.5 gold/work (300 RON), you can check them here: Job Market
If you want to become a citizen of Romania, feel free to apply anytime, our requirements are low and we're ready to accept pretty much everyone. For more details you can contact BattleHero, ImparaT or sutanu .

A big empire also needs a big military power, if you are a leader of a group or military unit with over 20 members under your command, if you are willing to follow orders and help the country that you live in with everything necessary, feel free to send me a private message with details about you and your crew, we will negotiate a weekly/monthly fee and sign a contract every month.

ZE BUNDAsutanuBunnyLiuPanzer AceMukhraniDamaChenno0bsailbotoarecareDreSanuEnver Pasagaladraelparazituarshia kingvelizar888pedrositoنظر ها (89)

Hail Romania and Gheorghe Hagi o7

Hail Romania


Ukraine who adopted a hostile position toward us. :о

You should ask BlackFury, he tried to blackmail me several times and denied my request for Subcarpathia, next time take care, don t let foreigners as CP cos their only interest is GOLD.

Any proof? if you can give proof PM me pls.


A big empire also needs a big military power, if you are a leader of a group or military unit with over 20 members under your command, if you are willing to follow orders and help the country that you live in with everything necessary, feel free to send me a private message with details about you and your crew, we will negotiate a weekly/monthly fee and sign a contract every month.
Deci angajam mercenari? Sper sa avem cu ce sa-i platim

Nu-ti imagina ca le dam toti banii care-i avem, cum facem la romani discount de 10g pe 1k heli, aceleasi cheltuieli le suportam si la ei, doar ca le dam gold si ii lasam sa se organizeze singuri.


Hail Romania o7

I m wonder... why you aren t full bonuses still. It is easy to be full bonuses for Romania. bonuses are so close to you and it s not hard job to rent or annex them to your empire(just need some agreement with turkeyBulgaria) anyway good luck

Thank you Harmak, we were waiting for peaceful times to think about bonuses.


HAIL Nicolae Ceaușescu

Hail Adrian Mutu !


v c

hail georgia

bini wai, in sfarsit!!!!

You call this empire I call it breakfast

Hail Romania o7

Succes !

wooo new country to visit every day : )

good luck. Hail Romania ! Hail Georgia ! 



Hail Vlad the impaler

Thanks HU !
Thanks allies !

Made you perdy, again. vV good luck o/

Hail Romania


Working empire omg they country offers 3 gold salary while i offer 3.4 gold. Building empire while they offer you 15 gd company I even offer the whole gold/cc to be sent back to you just to have profit. If you are interested please let me know

First step: lick Turkey and Iran ass

Hail Romania o7

lol. There is only one Empire in this game. Serbia. Turkey scared the shit out of the shit from Serbia. France same. Romania same.
Empire is not bonuses. Empire is not territory. Empire is fear.

Hail Romania !! o7

@kami Neko. Yeah. We scared. We so scared that we wiped Serbia off the map. By the Way, if Serbia is so scary why did It sign a NAP? Can you answer that?

Selling sick horses to IKEA will boost economy for sure

where ?

Hail Romania

Hail Romanian Empire and Emperor BattleHero(if we are an Empire we must have an Empreror). o7

heh.interesting.romania has 13 state with all different bonuses.and there is no granite in asia. Hail admin

@oarecare, the fact that whole world fight against one country tell something, no?
Dont make little head my friend 


o7 Hail Romania

Hey keko.the fact that Serbia managed to get the whole world to ally against her does not show power.it just shows stupidity on it s part.


It shows our power , dont be stupid man.... You can only win when you are all there against us. You can lie to us, but you can not to yourself...You know the truth

So to understand you fight alone without ally ? If you fight alone withoutnally why also almost your ally lose against vv ?

Sorry mister speed94 .it don t show power.a country that has power ,also got brains.or when you manage to piss off 70% of the countries in the game and you manage to unite them into a formidable alliance that ultimately erases you from the map,well you not powerful,you just someone who got no brain.


Vazda Kontra oarecare zapamti to

Article needs more cur.

Hail Bogdan Stancu

good luck 

@BattleHero fantastic and good luck

o/ Hail


nicely presented


Hail George Hagi o7

Ottoman Empire is by your side!

my only interest is to see ukraine back in game and i will do everything for this

#unban Vist

kami you talking like machiavelli 

Hail Romania o7

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Good game!


6 days ago
You call this empire I call it breakfast__ -- lol : D btch you breakfast -- https://youtu.be/LlNzGC49-jg