انتشار شده در Turkey - بحث های سیاسی و تجزیه تحلیل - 18 Nov 2016 18:07 - 22
313 days...
At the beginning, everyone started the game in the same conditions = 0 allies, 0 enemies. Everyone had the chance to find their own allies and enemies. STRATEGY/DIPLOMACY was a part of this game. Just like economy or military part. From day 1 until now, EVERY COUNTRY HAD EQUAL CHANCE TO CREATE A STRONG ALLIANCE
313 days, almost a year...
Countries were wiped and reborn. Turkey, Serbia, Germany... Names don't matter. Every country had its good and bad days. Strong alliances always wanted to dominate the world, while others tried to prevent that.
Suddenly, in 313. day, admins decided to limit MPPs to 6.
In other words they told us: "F%&! THE DIPLOMACY YOU MADE IN THE PAST 313 DAY. F%&! YOUR STRATEGY "
This is nothing but a clear interference to the diplomatic module of the game. It is crystal clear how one-sided this update is.
By the way, good luck to the weak countries :(
You can thank the admins when a bigger-6-pack comes and wipes you.
Have a nice(!) game.
At the beginning, everyone started the game in the same conditions = 0 allies, 0 enemies. Everyone had the chance to find their own allies and enemies. STRATEGY/DIPLOMACY was a part of this game. Just like economy or military part. From day 1 until now, EVERY COUNTRY HAD EQUAL CHANCE TO CREATE A STRONG ALLIANCE
313 days, almost a year...
Countries were wiped and reborn. Turkey, Serbia, Germany... Names don't matter. Every country had its good and bad days. Strong alliances always wanted to dominate the world, while others tried to prevent that.
Suddenly, in 313. day, admins decided to limit MPPs to 6.
In other words they told us: "F%&! THE DIPLOMACY YOU MADE IN THE PAST 313 DAY. F%&! YOUR STRATEGY "
This is nothing but a clear interference to the diplomatic module of the game. It is crystal clear how one-sided this update is.
By the way, good luck to the weak countries :(
You can thank the admins when a bigger-6-pack comes and wipes you.
Have a nice(!) game.
GovernadorGovernadorGovernadorATEHTATOPOTSandzakنظر ها (22)


hasne t done anything to stop strategy or diplomacy lmao, if anything this will make them 2 skills more important.
update won t kill the game, just terrible close minded attituded by players

...........And diplomacy dies

another crying article by most crying nation in E world keep up

Big Support !


no wars, no visa, only two clicks, then quickly they restore the unlimited mpp.

@Niko I dont think so you will fail but we will be gentle we wont wipe you out


so who is crying,... if its end of diplomacy are you saying that turky or whats left of it, after massive exodus from last week, it wont make alliances??

Massive exodus xDDDDDD OMG, I can t laughing @TopSecret+10

https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/18347 just commnet to support this is an german article 

The click bait is real .................

go on, continue to cry

Vot o7

doors are open 

Buy another account
