انتشار شده در United States of America - بحث های سیاسی و تجزیه تحلیل - 04 Dec 2016 21:01 - 2

Date: 12/3/15
Author: Edgar Figaro
Today’s Topic(s):
- Platform
Foreign Affairs:
- -Orchestrate the return of South Dakota and missing American cores held by the French
-Remain with Vae Victus, despite initial rough bumps here and there, we believe that we can work past this and become the alliance we knew we could be when we originally formed
-Look to branch out and make more connections and mend old relationships with local neighbors.
- -Our citizen’s strength levels are not on par with other international powers with similar numbers of active citizens. To remedy this, and put us back on track to forming a formidable military, I will propose to congress a program which will invest in our citizen’s Training Grounds, upgrading them over time to hasten our citizens’ strength growth.
-Due to the decaying status of our national military unit, I will propose to Congress to set the Delta MU as our new National MU this is something I wish to discuss with the commander of Delta Force MU Bamapana and his Vice-Commander spitfire (Ace).
-In my administration, I plan to continue to run Arm America to give our country that last minute boost in damage that can swing important battles in our favor, or solidify our lead.
-To create a consistent stream of battles to help our citizens gain XP, grow stronger, and achieve medals, we will look into starting a training war with nearby neighbors such as Portugal.
-To ensure our citizens know when we'll be having battles and when we will be holding Arm America weapon drops, we will be creating a weekly schedule of battles and we will do our best to not deviate from the schedule.
We will encourage the implementation of a comprehensive economic reform, to make the USA’s economy globally competitive, by :
- -Pushing the exchange rates to 1 USD = 0.005g and 1g = 201 USD.-Setting the VAT to 1% for everything.
-Setting all Income Taxes to 1% except for Raw Materials.
-Having a strong involvement in the Monetary Exchange Market to protect the exchange rate and increase the usage of our CC, the USD.
Citizens Affairs:
- -Hold more Turnlords games, more and more people have had a chance to play and more and more people are enjoying it and want more. We should not deny the people this desire.
-Include Age of Conquests 4 (AoC4) as a featured game of the DoCA for game nights, giving players an alternate game to have fun and socialize with fellow players both in the country and abroad.
-Release tutorials via articles weekly or bi-weekly.
- -Consistent, weekly, WHPR articles by the Secretary of Media to inform the people of what is going on in the world and in our country. Transparency is key.
-I will do 3 State of the Union articles, once in the beginning of the term, once in the middle, and again in the end of the term.
-Occasional Presidential Special Announcements will be made when something important has occurred or transpired.
- -We will continue to build better and more capable tech network.
-Continue to update and build upon our government website
We will propose to Congress a reform bill to reform the IES to making it a more organized and streamlined on both ends of the Immigration process, by:
- -Making the CS application form easier to access. The link should be saved in open, public areas so applicant know where to go to fill out.
-Upon arrival of a new CS application in-game to the IES Director, the IES Director must send said applicant a PM letting said person know that their application has been received and is now under review.
-Then the IES Director will conduct a thorough examination of the player, ensuring the player is safe to accept as a US Citizen, once that is complete a final decision will be made.
-Meanwhile, the applicant should be kept updated about the status of their application.

Tantisنظر ها (2)

o7 good luck tomorrow Edgar

Good luck