انتشار شده در Hungary - اولین قدم در eRevollution - 14 Jan 2017 11:49 - 20
To all honorable new citizens of Hungary!
First, let me introduce myself to those of you who doesn't know me yet. I am NighcherHUN , presently a MoFa in Hungary. I have been a president a few times and I often help in the ministry of defense.
Now I would like to help our newcomers, so you can feel yourselves at home and welcomed in our community.
I know it might not be pleasant to read a different language on the national shout wall, I could start some Hungarian lessons :P but I thought it is more convenient to create a space where we can all talk and socialize in English. A perfect place for you to engage with the English speaking Hungarian community. Unfortunately not all Hungarians speak English, but there is a few, so feel free to join and get to know them. If you wish to join all you have to do is to write me an in game letter and request an invitation link. Please provide me with your discord name if you have one. If you don't, no problem just give me the name you will register with. This is important so I can give you the citizen role, which allows you to enter the "english_room".
In the "english_room" you can also talk to Hungarian government members and you can ask questions.
You will be able to see our buy and sell, and news room where you are welcome to advertise your products or articles.
We will try to make your stay as pleasant as it can be.
We would like to thank you for joining our community and fight with us for common goals. Right now things on the battlefield is a bit slow, but it will pick up soon and we are looking forward to fight in epic battles together. Common goals can be gaining bonuses or survival, but the most important of them all is a great game experience, to enjoy this game together.
Welcome to Hungary!
Cheers to our future!
Kind regards from the Hungarian community and
Ministry of foreign affairs
First, let me introduce myself to those of you who doesn't know me yet. I am NighcherHUN , presently a MoFa in Hungary. I have been a president a few times and I often help in the ministry of defense.
Now I would like to help our newcomers, so you can feel yourselves at home and welcomed in our community.
I know it might not be pleasant to read a different language on the national shout wall, I could start some Hungarian lessons :P but I thought it is more convenient to create a space where we can all talk and socialize in English. A perfect place for you to engage with the English speaking Hungarian community. Unfortunately not all Hungarians speak English, but there is a few, so feel free to join and get to know them. If you wish to join all you have to do is to write me an in game letter and request an invitation link. Please provide me with your discord name if you have one. If you don't, no problem just give me the name you will register with. This is important so I can give you the citizen role, which allows you to enter the "english_room".
In the "english_room" you can also talk to Hungarian government members and you can ask questions.
You will be able to see our buy and sell, and news room where you are welcome to advertise your products or articles.
We will try to make your stay as pleasant as it can be.
We would like to thank you for joining our community and fight with us for common goals. Right now things on the battlefield is a bit slow, but it will pick up soon and we are looking forward to fight in epic battles together. Common goals can be gaining bonuses or survival, but the most important of them all is a great game experience, to enjoy this game together.
Welcome to Hungary!
Cheers to our future!
Kind regards from the Hungarian community and
Ministry of foreign affairs
Gran Cacique GuaicaipuroNocturnoxTAGUDARCamel BlackRothbartHuMaViHun SoldierBaby JesusSeryekFudalamWunderwolfDewiszنظر ها (20)

Lehetne magyarul is?

o7 You guys have been awesome

ha lesz rá időm, de számodra valószínű irreleváns
csak egy üdvözlő cikk a bevándorlók számára

Thanks to duolingo now i learn Hungarian! Köszönöm!

An honor with you.o7

v o7

Welcome babies!

Welcome in Hungary o/

Welcome to Hungary!

Is is great to be here, we the Venezuelan community in Hungary appreciate the hospitality and look forward to helping as much as possible

Welcome in Hungary! 



Ty! The comunity is awesome!!


Welcome !

Thank you for your good wishes and hospitality o7.