انتشار شده در Hungary - کسب و کار مالی - 18 Jan 2017 04:35 - 7
You can read the original article here.
4305 gold
We started with this ammount. Thanks for everyone who donated. This is a very good start from a small country like ours. We got 5625 gold more for this ammount.
-2611,375 gold 10% (refund from the company upgrades)
-1089 gold 10% after the heli parks
Only a few country do this step, and only a few players took this opportunity. Totally about 4000 gold found and owner, but the treasury got almost 6000 gold from the 10%-s.
-3716,25 gold State loan
-648,5 gold Heli park loan
These are our ets now, we hope that it will come back soon. Here's a link, where you can follow the current obbligations of the citizens. If someone don't agree with the ammounts, mark it. The loans are the engine of the upgrades, and currently the national loan is the only one which will not ended with a ban (and of course the golds which are bought from RL money). We hope that that 95% of the credit limit will be sent back to Rothbart until the end of February. The Government will not want to expend the money for escort girls, so when we will get more, we want to give more loans without an action period too.
You can pay it back to Rothbart like this: Every time if you'll send minimum 50 golds. Also every time if you want to return the full ammount. At the 1st, the 11st and the 21st day of every month you will have to paying back minimum 10% of the loan and then you can finish the amortization within 100 days. Please return the money like you read here, do not make our job harder. The heli park loans got 200 days to be returned to the treasury.
-340 gold Academy support
-340 gold Academy loan
-182,5 gold Q4 weapon factory
We still have the weapon factory, now It's for sale, the minimum price is 150 gold, the best offer win. We helped 8 citizens to learn, maybe we will continue this support in the future (of course we need money for that).
-1058,75 gold Foreigners
228,75 gold is the 10%-s from this ammount, so the loan is only 800 gold. This is 20% of the money that the RL Hungarians got, about 7 foreigners and 30 Hungarian got loans. We didn't make difference between the citizens. we judged the loan demands equal in both case.
-270,45 gold 10%
This ammount cannot be payed yet, because the treasury is empty now. We will pay it when we have more money.
-35 gold Party
We need a party for the foreigners with a Hungarian leader, and an ingame area where they can get information quickly and become united. The communication and the cognition of each other will became more simple and more common.
Best wishes,
4305 gold
We started with this ammount. Thanks for everyone who donated. This is a very good start from a small country like ours. We got 5625 gold more for this ammount.
-2611,375 gold 10% (refund from the company upgrades)
-1089 gold 10% after the heli parks
Only a few country do this step, and only a few players took this opportunity. Totally about 4000 gold found and owner, but the treasury got almost 6000 gold from the 10%-s.
-3716,25 gold State loan
-648,5 gold Heli park loan
These are our ets now, we hope that it will come back soon. Here's a link, where you can follow the current obbligations of the citizens. If someone don't agree with the ammounts, mark it. The loans are the engine of the upgrades, and currently the national loan is the only one which will not ended with a ban (and of course the golds which are bought from RL money). We hope that that 95% of the credit limit will be sent back to Rothbart until the end of February. The Government will not want to expend the money for escort girls, so when we will get more, we want to give more loans without an action period too.
You can pay it back to Rothbart like this: Every time if you'll send minimum 50 golds. Also every time if you want to return the full ammount. At the 1st, the 11st and the 21st day of every month you will have to paying back minimum 10% of the loan and then you can finish the amortization within 100 days. Please return the money like you read here, do not make our job harder. The heli park loans got 200 days to be returned to the treasury.
-340 gold Academy support
-340 gold Academy loan
-182,5 gold Q4 weapon factory
We still have the weapon factory, now It's for sale, the minimum price is 150 gold, the best offer win. We helped 8 citizens to learn, maybe we will continue this support in the future (of course we need money for that).
-1058,75 gold Foreigners
228,75 gold is the 10%-s from this ammount, so the loan is only 800 gold. This is 20% of the money that the RL Hungarians got, about 7 foreigners and 30 Hungarian got loans. We didn't make difference between the citizens. we judged the loan demands equal in both case.
-270,45 gold 10%
This ammount cannot be payed yet, because the treasury is empty now. We will pay it when we have more money.
-35 gold Party
We need a party for the foreigners with a Hungarian leader, and an ingame area where they can get information quickly and become united. The communication and the cognition of each other will became more simple and more common.
Best wishes,
HuMaViNightwatcherHUNSeryekFudalamCamel SoftRothbartRothbartRothbartCamutLa GuayanaNocturnoxPew PewArepaنظر ها (7)

Newspaper from Austria -???


Jaja, még eLabanc voltam újságalapításkor...

Voted, Thanks for you work

Voted o7 Thank you Jaca 

thank you for the translation!

v o7