انتشار شده در Romania - بحث های سیاسی و تجزیه تحلیل - 21 Jan 2017 17:55 - 50

After a discussion between Romanian and Hungarian representatives, we decided to exchange regions in order to achieve better bonuses.
Hereby here are the terms:
1.Hungary will cede Northern Great Plain(Deer) to Romania.
2.Romania will cede Crisana(Fish) to Hungary.
3.Romania will be unable to Declare War on Hungary unless they attack a Vae Victis member.
4.Hungary will be unable to Declare War on Romania unless they attack a Delos member.
5.The deal will remain valid as long as both governments agrees with it. If one side wants to cancel it they have to inform the other government 10 days before.
o7 Romania
o7 Hungary
Panzer AceosteanromanCaptain HarlockThe Guardianpedrositoنظر ها (50)

Farmville continue o7


Farmville is continue 07

Don t agree,it s shameful to give Hungary a core region of Romania.


What if we delete for 4,5 months off the map this shit called Hungay?

just viewing the comment section aaand.... there goes the respect

Körös (Crisana) IS Hungary. What actually shameful is, is giving Romania a core of Hungary. Dont get comfortable, it wont be yours too long
This little deal is ok for now, but the two flags on the top of your article is unacceptable. Makes me vomit.

Omg battehero...

Crisana will not be a Hungary region without a fight.Prepare to loose....away with the hungarians in our core regions!Makes me vomit to think that you will have a romanian region.

Farmville continue o7

Hail Farmiville o7

Time to buy some pop corn Q5

popcorn mode on

😁😁😁Mamaligiki go home! 😁😁😁

Cry, cry,cry...

Amíg harag van a román szívekben, addig nem lehetnek boldogok. Meg kell értenie a románoknak, hogy Erdély nem Románia része. Erdély a magyar Korona fennhatósága, és Magyarok Nagyasszonya Szűz Mária oltalma alatt van. Olyan mint a kabát, és rajta lévő gomb, elválaszthatatlanok.

unsub, nu am citit articolul asta, nu stiu nimic de nici un aranjament

I am wondering how two nationalists of two enemy countries have been friends (Ady Endre and Octavian Goga).

@NightwatcherHUN: Romanians still have had problem with history...they live in fairy tales 

jumatate din romani o sa lupte impotriva ungariei.La fel si de partea ungurilor.

Édes Erdély itt vagyunk
Érted élük és halunk!
borotválni kéne, nem kunyerálni!

R.I.P. Romania... 

@FreeDadado we live in reality, Transilvania is ours right now, so wake up of your nightmare, oh no, you can not, because this is reality

Daca dadeam un core sarbilor/bulgarilor/etc, nu era niciun bai, dar nu ungurilor ca pt astia am intrat in joc

@NightwatcherHUN don t get confortable, there will be no deal. Little vomiting huns don t deserve any deal

I am sory for the comments. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VOgFZfRVaww

niciodata cu ungurii

This is OK for me, Nobody can get France 1st place of Flower growing, meanwhile Delos member is helping VV member to get Denmark deleted, yeah I am talking about france, better questioning what Delos member can say about this. I dont think that Denmark has good ground for flower growing

@NightwatcherHUN, take the Madagascar. is hungarian too


Wut da fukty fuk?

) yeah, it s reality now (anyway you are seeing facts occasionally), I also can say some real(ity) thing, but I don t... 

Bun ! o7

Stop stupid nationalism. Good agreement ! V

voteaza ungurii articolul de-l baga in top mondial.... lol ce teapa ne luam. E clar ca acest nap nu va fi respectat

@NightwatcherHUN- you and your huns will get what you deserve, and that is not Crisana. See you on battlefield!

@homyhomer: Nationalism is my good side, I am also a homophob homy
@sesebi +1

see you on the battlefield, dear HUNs 

Congratulations Peaky, even here you find a reason to cry. Better join Denmark, leave France and FA of France. You already proved what you know, when you destroyed your country Germany :-)))) About agreement, it is a good deal for both sides. Ofc, those who prefer to spend RL money here, they are against farming, but I prefer to get the gold in the game, not with the help of my VISA :-)

@Shisui, in every article I find way to tell my opinion about France, hoping that something will change

V c

@Nightwatcher : Homy is the diminutive of Homer (Simpson) . Nothing to do with Homo, as Nightwatcher has nothing with Night-Water . So, nationalist, homofobo ... what more ?? 

De kko

Sure homy 

as always hungary is master of nap


homyy, looking for WORKERS ,👉 69 q4 heli👈 per 2X work a day as long as there is country with 100% bonus on weapon. bonus 35 q4 heli + foods for 7 consecutive work day with house. LIMITED SLOT detail via PM o.o7

Transilvania is Hungary

Transilvania is hungary in your erotic dreams