انتشار شده در France - تجزیه و تحلیل جنگ - 30 Jan 2017 12:46 - 25
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
Many of you may have noticed that I do not deal with the game as much as I used to. RL reasons keep me afk many hours daily and the distance from game whereabouts, happens like naturally. What never changes though, is the non VV countries remaining fragmented, in many occasions hostile to each other, in a manner worse than their main rival in the game. Blind fools, unless you all unite, you are all doomed, by an alliance that is actually nothing special, consisting of a strong organized country (Turkey) and many opportunists (all the rest). Unless you all set aside whatever seperates you, VV will use the oldest strategic move there is: devide and conquer. Do not ask me *conquer, who*.. you know the answer.
I will keep it short, as I guess all of you got my point. I will close with one more proverb. The darkest hour is just before the dawn.
Happy gaming, see you all soon (I hope :P) o/
NairobiPANZER stronKTyraelRothbartRAF904LeFrancaisG 4 M p3trOs V E RPedzaMKDنظر ها (25)







really but sad

The darkest hour is just before the dawn.

“Lords of Darkness, Lords of Night
bring this hex now to flight.
speed up their karma, bring them down.
take their alliance and break it apart
bring it chaos and hate, now to start.
tear their organization to shreds so fine
what was is gone, now is the time.
no longer shall they be together
his close nit family shall now be severed.
when together they start to smother
each does want to kill the other.
no longer shall they be as one
your alliance is over
what s done is done!
Lords of Darkness, Lords of Night
bring this hex now to flight.”
So it be

I made a spell on VV, your days are numbered!


I remember how your ambitions ruined your previous country, Germany. I hope that you will not repeat this again in France. There is no Admin in the France to promote you for a CP, so France should be safe.

Oh there have been worse CPs than me at Germany, that joke Shisui as example, you might have heard of him. A great exception talking to you, from now on, in order to respond you and give some meaning in your worthless e-life, first donate 5g to my account and a link to your comment. Thank you.

you remember levi? you werent even here.Shisui was or mayeb you are shisui?

first donate 1g to my account for my vote

French traitor.


Güzel laf 

i can not agree in one case; VV has several well organised members. though that only makes this hour darker.

I believe, you are not so bright, ktab. Let me remind you, what you accomplished. You was overthrown as a SC in MDP. After that, you come to Germany and soon you become e-husband of CP. She allowed you to become a CP of Germany, although you was nor worth of this. She had own reasons. After that you run a campaign against Japan. This war was military prepared, but not politicly. After this war, Germany become a worlds Empire, with all bonuses, but because of wrong politics, corruption, playing the role of protector of Serbia, arrogance, Germany become a most hated country in the ERevolution s world. Your time as a CP was the introduction into the disasters. Your stubborn approach ruined Germany completely in war against MDP, later VV. You was the one who was blind, and thanks to you Germany decided to follow suicidal path. After you successfully destroyed Germany with your catastrophic politic, you moved yourself to France. Now, you are lecturing them, trying to drag France in war against friendly countries. Why? What is your goal? To destroy another your e-homeland? Wise politics are defending the countries much better than any army or VISA card. I can t understand, why are you trying to teach players who are playing better than you? Government of France proved own efficiency. Otherwise, you wouldn t com to France. And what did you proved? That you can be used by Admins, and that you was blind to see, that they are just taking your money, while they are pretending as your friends. Wake up, ktab, nobody hates you. Some people are just using you. Stand up and fight against this. Do not allow to be only an object of operation. Start doing something useful, for a change.
This was my humble opinion. I had no intention to humiliate anybody here, I just hope that there is a freedom of the speech here, and maybe Nime will stop himself and not punish me again because I believe that basic humans rights are respected here.


Levi c trop long g pas lu

Long live VV