انتشار شده در Morocco - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 01 Feb 2017 14:50 - 8
I decided after time to write an article. I will do it smal .
We are all part of this game, where we are entitled to enjoy. Despite the point that i started as a citizen of e-Greece and i was in important positions in the government , but I decided to leave my country to continue her journey (as it was thought that I can not offer anything).
I was given the opportunity to help a country which now I consider my home. So I invite all their friends think that I have , to come here in Morocco, to set up a new country, without lies and hypocrisy or worse nagging .....
Hail Morocco !!! Hail friends o7
Regards Blak Fox
We are all part of this game, where we are entitled to enjoy. Despite the point that i started as a citizen of e-Greece and i was in important positions in the government , but I decided to leave my country to continue her journey (as it was thought that I can not offer anything).
I was given the opportunity to help a country which now I consider my home. So I invite all their friends think that I have , to come here in Morocco, to set up a new country, without lies and hypocrisy or worse nagging .....
Hail Morocco !!! Hail friends o7
Regards Blak Fox
vaggeliskerChrisGeoRMChrisGeoRMChrisGeoRMTsiggerMrSkr1kMrSkr1kMrSkr1kvaggeliskerPatroklosNefeliBraveKnightنظر ها (8)

Hail Morocco o7


Hail Morocco o7

Hail Morocco !!! Hail friends o7


Hail Morocco my friend!!! o7