انتشار شده در France - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 03 Jun 2017 13:28 - 63

KavehKinyasK o BEl ProfesorG 4 M p3trOs V E RMilesMilesMilesMilesنظر ها (63)

Sign, SC of Délos

Sign, SC of Fortuna

Sign, Rapin

Sign, random player


Oh great. Since you 3 are officially together, would you stop crying about balance so we can beat you with joy? Thank you.

Sign, random player


@Kinyas Thanks for salt, French fries are now on point on Kebabs.

trust serbiaNs nap? :d NO WAY

lol how many tears 

Sign, SC of FU

VV countries, it s time to leave the monster. Good idea.

Signed, NAPdrad

Good move, voted!

Signed , Donnis , The Last Lynx Pardinus

Signed by Knight of FU o/

I see NAPdrad , I vote it.

Sign Chuliganas, not a snitch

Signed, Cro CP

Signed OFC President o7

Signed Georgian King of Netherlands o7

Signed by Mano Filert.

Signed by PM of France

@mano Who is Mano Filert?


signed by CP of Germany SoFa of Fortuna 

Kill VV?!

Signed by CP of France

Signed by me..kill vv

Signed by your new stepdad

Signed by CP of Wales

Signed by Risisnitch

funny Statement

Signed!?! Ayaaa

@captainobvious ❤

Signed by VSC of FU

Signed by vSC of Délos

O.o signed by the former sc of delos :smirk:

kill em all

Signed by the genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist

Sing peru o7

Signed by Ganci Power

o/ o/ o/

Joint statement... Only with Délos logo and name. Makes sense.

Are you afraid?


Sign, Jota Scammer o7

Sign by Flow Portuguese

Signed, Dictator of Angola.

Signed, Mayor of Victoria

OK now create a HQ for hyper alliance, one to rule all, and then we might have something going.

Signed by ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

loser toghether

Whole new level ...of request for NAP ..losers move ...by this you accept you are losing ..even though you are 27 countries...total balance here ...

In fact it makes sense ...after a Joint ...a statement like this is totally normal

if you really think we are losing stop crying

77 votes and 35 subs that is the loyalty and kindness of yours

Since you can t beat them together.
Devide et impera. LULZ