انتشار شده در Georgia - بحث های سیاسی و تجزیه تحلیل - 17 Jul 2017 12:07 - 38
Today I want to talk with you about "FREEDOM" - The aim, Reasons and Idea of Nemesis (as they and their Leaders are speaking).
Firtstly, don't write stupid comments type of "don't cry", "you are scared" and etc. - I'm just talking about objective reality. I am not crying!!! And if you have of anything, come in Georgia,I m waiting you on battlefield, where you are losing battles without end and spending stocks foolishly ;)
As they are speaking. Nemesis Aim is Liberation of countries. Scroll down and you can see some examples of "Liberated" countries.
Yes, VV did it too, but VV did it open, we were talking that we need bonuses! but now, Nemesis moves with Fre idea, and they give us speeches, that VV is true evil and world need destroy it... Now, VV is only barrier against Nemesis and hes big friends(Type of France): At this moment, only Serbia has full bonuses, but other allies need found it, when VV regions isnt enough to be satisfied their wishes. If VV falls, they will deny all interests of small countries, interests of their old, but small allies from Fortuna, FU and Delos.
So, now world is in front of danger, bigger than VV was, biggest in all E-World history. We will receive Biggest Monster ever.
Liveration Wave

Erevollution's end scene :)
additional maps

Reminding what i wrote firtstly ;)
Thanks for Reading ;) Sorry For "Georgian English" :D
Today I want to talk with you about "FREEDOM" - The aim, Reasons and Idea of Nemesis (as they and their Leaders are speaking).
Firtstly, don't write stupid comments type of "don't cry", "you are scared" and etc. - I'm just talking about objective reality. I am not crying!!! And if you have of anything, come in Georgia,I m waiting you on battlefield, where you are losing battles without end and spending stocks foolishly ;)
As they are speaking. Nemesis Aim is Liberation of countries. Scroll down and you can see some examples of "Liberated" countries.
Yes, VV did it too, but VV did it open, we were talking that we need bonuses! but now, Nemesis moves with Fre idea, and they give us speeches, that VV is true evil and world need destroy it... Now, VV is only barrier against Nemesis and hes big friends(Type of France): At this moment, only Serbia has full bonuses, but other allies need found it, when VV regions isnt enough to be satisfied their wishes. If VV falls, they will deny all interests of small countries, interests of their old, but small allies from Fortuna, FU and Delos.
So, now world is in front of danger, bigger than VV was, biggest in all E-World history. We will receive Biggest Monster ever.
Liveration Wave

Erevollution's end scene :)

additional maps

Reminding what i wrote firtstly ;)
Thanks for Reading ;) Sorry For "Georgian English" :D
koka99Grizzly021Grizzly021نظر ها (38)

Scared? You should be.

ok, go away 

Interesting, but i dont know how bonuses will be enogh for whole NEMESIS

Hail me! xD o7

ffs who the f*ck cares? Just fight and shut up. Preferably with land battles. What a boring lame game this is. *ohhh we are not mean, they are* *ohhh we are not overpowered, they are* *ohhh but you were mean, now you`ll suffer* *ohhh but you were overpowered, now you`ll suffer* ... Just open battles.

i said if you are fighting dor F re , look are you on right side
ceep calm



Zlatan0000 - https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/28388

This is a clear demonstration: How to use propaganda for own purposes... Yeah, Nemesis not only ended the domination of VV world s supremacy, they also demonstrate how important is to have effective propaganda machine. Hearts and minds, this is the first target for conquering. I can t blame them coss they used fact that ERevs world become tired of VV. Some members of this alliance contributed also, temporary triumph of Nemesis would be impossible with original VV with all the members.
Nevertheless, don t forget, war is not over. If you not surrender, if you reorganise yourself, you still have chance to change the situation and win in the end. Don t give up, this game needs such a spectacle :-)

Dont cry, you are scared

We are not liberating anyone, we are wiping VV out of the map 

Hi. Sory for bed ingklish

oops, we have changes in Nemesis Politic, nice to hear
I forgot write about coward traiors too :/ (not you Sturmmann)

As Denmark We are nor occupied any land. We just Unite Scandinavia, so don t try to make any silly propaganda for our Union. cCc

Btw, norway has a region.

yea, lost bonuses for less than a month crying since first day.. yet didnt make single article for over a year of VV/MDP domination.. Also VV still have more players than Nemesis and has year to stockpile wep energy and money, time will come. So Nemesis is not stronger than VV, just better organized now.

Here is interesting fact Nemesis countries have 18 000 players, while VV have 25 000 players or about 40% of world population is still in VV.

http://erevtools.com/alliances.php @topSecret just look land and nave dmg power

@zlatan, please give me link of single article that you made and complained about VV domination over last year that is in big part responsible for what is going on today in game including nearly killing game. NOT SINGLE ARTICLE, Yet in last month since Gerogia lost bonuses you made few and are one of loudest about imbalance.. Ignorance at its best

@topsecret did I said that domination is bad thing? I wrote VV(we) did it open.Evrewhere human nature rushes to domination+this game conditions. I wrote this article, for people, who think, that they are fighting for freedo. This article is Nemesis DisPropaganda 

I dont understand why u put cyprus there? Greece and Cyrpus are the same. 1 culture 2 Countries. Like Moldova and Romania.

lol petros
its not antic period, its modern e-world

we are just a bunch of traitors why do you care??

I dont like bunch of flowers, why i should like bunch of traitors?

empires are down enough for me 

Most VV members do not seem to know the historical context of the words : Vae Victis. (Brennus, Rome...).
Just because of the name you chose in the first place you shouldnt be complaining.


Voted for friend

I only see Vae Victis strategy here : divide the opposition to gain time.

its funny when you say we foolishly burn stock and losing battles, and now i check Georgia dont have full bonus anymore, HAHA! Yep, we ve been to georgia, its boring there

So you are saying you have experience with receiving big monsters..?

VV still f..cked you for a long time and it will always be in history, and this time will come again

@Doc4geo ahah nice truth ^^

ok Doc4geo , now back to pokeball

There is a purpose, and there are goals. I am not surprised when someone use tools like propaganda to achieve own goals.