انتشار شده در Germany - بحث های سیاسی و تجزیه تحلیل - 25 Sep 2017 23:02 - 125
Citizens and friends
We have been playing this game for almost 2 years now. We have had our good times, we have had our bad times. Sometimes allies other times enemies. Still we played this game with pion and alacrity. Cause we are gamers and game is us. Many times administration of the game tried to undermine it and lead it to a dead end. Still we were always here to revive this and give it a second and a third and a forth chance. All these, till today. Today, they officially decided to place a tombstone at our game, with an ΄update΄ that directly affects both military and economic modules of the game. We have overcome many fail decisions made, with our gameplay. But this one we will not be able to.
Therefore, as a reaction to this arbitrary shift of game rules, we have decided to halt ALL WARS. There will be no direct wars, no RWs. Since we have no other way to react we will use the only thing we can for this. That decision was made after the meeting we had, the ΄enemy΄ sides to find out a solution. Cause we might be enemies in game, but we are just friends that play together the same game on different sides.
Unless the TP, TA, RH, SL medals return to previous state, there will be no game.
There have been thoughts to discuss about it and find the golden rule for this, about what we will LOSE. But then we saw that till day 1, all changes were against players, always taking something from us. This will not continue. We will not dispute about what we will lose this time, and consider a victory, the smaller loss. We, the players, have stepped back lots of times. This will not happen again.
This is why we demand a full restore of previous state of medals, and from now on every change on game to be discussed first. We are fed of (bad) surprises.
Get more proffesional.
Will be signed by alliances leadership, of Nemesis-Atlas, Horizon and ACE
We have been playing this game for almost 2 years now. We have had our good times, we have had our bad times. Sometimes allies other times enemies. Still we played this game with pion and alacrity. Cause we are gamers and game is us. Many times administration of the game tried to undermine it and lead it to a dead end. Still we were always here to revive this and give it a second and a third and a forth chance. All these, till today. Today, they officially decided to place a tombstone at our game, with an ΄update΄ that directly affects both military and economic modules of the game. We have overcome many fail decisions made, with our gameplay. But this one we will not be able to.
Therefore, as a reaction to this arbitrary shift of game rules, we have decided to halt ALL WARS. There will be no direct wars, no RWs. Since we have no other way to react we will use the only thing we can for this. That decision was made after the meeting we had, the ΄enemy΄ sides to find out a solution. Cause we might be enemies in game, but we are just friends that play together the same game on different sides.
Unless the TP, TA, RH, SL medals return to previous state, there will be no game.
There have been thoughts to discuss about it and find the golden rule for this, about what we will LOSE. But then we saw that till day 1, all changes were against players, always taking something from us. This will not continue. We will not dispute about what we will lose this time, and consider a victory, the smaller loss. We, the players, have stepped back lots of times. This will not happen again.
This is why we demand a full restore of previous state of medals, and from now on every change on game to be discussed first. We are fed of (bad) surprises.
Get more proffesional.
Will be signed by alliances leadership, of Nemesis-Atlas, Horizon and ACE
Inglourious BasterdsUbermensch88Phantom986Bayezid IMlraclEStrangersPANZER stronKKant Step In Ze Rap InsorkhpostArcticAridanraKavehGigalionelejiOptimisticchicagolupanpaRothbartBunnyLiuggeorgexTopSecretIkta SolorkKame SenninDarken RahljukanakituminayashiUnknown3ZerstorerDranetno0bsailbotMrSkr1kSpaceKillerAgoriaHCorbenSKynet00raczek32bambamtCacique PariaguanEl ProfesorXanderLevskiSofiaNieltonCFPambruLeviatanlmperiusHellscreamNairobiDisko NindzacikanekicaAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralREEE OYOYOYSTATEHTATOPOTATEHTATOPOTATEHTATOPOTGrey WindK o BitsoCapobrigante Carmine CroccoFenderwengeriLuziverDoOmHaMmErFlamby_darkherosAphiant_errorSee you againNikolaosIVMenathensantifadimimitsdimimitsdimimitsDictAt0RDictAt0RDictAt0RDictAt0RRDewulfSrLukDayukiD4davluanstosIgnacio OrtegaArawacoنظر ها (125)

Signed, Nemesis-Atlas SC

Signed,cp of Ukraine

Signed by meme master

Signed VSofa of Nemesis-Atlas and Prime Minister of Germany 


Signed CP of Australia

vote o7

Signed Galaico of Spain

Signed, MoD of Romania

Signed, cp of Spain

Signed by Public Representative of ACE

Signed, Mr. Wednesday

Signed, cp of Indonesia

Signed by an ordinary r-Hungarian player.


Signed, cp of Taiwan

Signed CP of Canada

ja ću stavit pečat vi se potpisujte

No cojones 

Signed by vivi tam

signed by Arctic

Signed by me, a common player from Indonesia..


Signed, co-founder of TRS

No - we want more war . . . pussy germans lol

Signed, CP of Croatia

Signed by CP of Mexico

Fully support

you guys always cry - idk why ?? lol

Signed by God

Signed by MINOAN LEGIONS Commander

Signed by me

Actually what admin should do its increase gold for True ally from 2.5 to 5g end restore everything as it was before. Full support for stooping all wars. IF admins wants game dead he should just shut down server and be done with it !!

Signed by SC of Horizon

Makvistanac potpisao.

Signed by me too

Signed by MoFA of Iran

Signed by me

+1 I m stoping also... https://www.erevollution.com/en/newspaper/4279

Signed by MoD of Swiss


Signed by CP of France

--- There will be (...) no RWs. --- I m wondering if admin is gonna launch them and I m also wondering if this is the reason why we can never know who starts them, unlike in other games of this kind 

Signed Filipino PM


Fully support

Fully support

Signed by CP of Poland

Signed by me

Signed by CP of Serbia o7

Signed by Turkish citizen.

Signed by commander of Šetnici

Signed pm of swiss


Signed by KROMION, the Master of all Good Marine Creatures.

Signed! Hail FARMWILLE O/

Nice. o7


signed by citizen of switzerland

Nice,but can i ask something?Do you think that if wars end,this will cause any concerns on admins?I dont think so...They show us many times that they dont care,and im sure that if they want us to fight they will open an RW,a direct battle or something alse.

We will open battle in any case for daily DO. We will maintain accounts on what s necessary to be done. Work-train-DO. But status quo will remain as is and no actual fight will take place. All aggressive moves halted and direct wars postponed. This, as answer on what will happen in case rws open.

fystickate them

We should remember starting positions on wars and rw s now, because always will be some players that would fight just to make problems, so if some region is won, it will be returned


La chatte à marine


Signed by the smirk master :smirk:





Signed by vSC of Nemesis/Atlas

Signed by MoD of Hungary

V for vendetta

v #RemoveUpdate !


Signed by The Fapster :spose:

Signed, real CP of Croatia not this Bornax fake cepe

Signed, CP of nothing 


signed by: ...petros :esu:


where were you when admin changed rw rule in favor of you, without announcement. Anyway signed.



Signed , Sealed , and Delivered USA

Signed by Prime minister of SERBIA o7

Signed by Country President of Hungary



Signed as CP of Swiss

Signed by CP of Greece o7


ktab affraid
joking my friend, signed, this change is bad for game population, whats left of it o7

Signed, CP of Portugal, Atlas Leader



Signed, CP of Macedonia


Signed by General Director of DoOmHaMmEr Inc.



like i said in article before...
erevolution need gold buyers or how will the game survive. it takes a lot of money to have a server and a game like this runing... i never bought gold and i have training grounds full max. companies im not going to count them all, and a gold acount im not bad at all... if all players were like me and if i was the admin. i would sent you all to go fuck yourselfs. this isnt charity.. it was good for a while... sorry im drunk

srata ta ta

Looks like revollution of us hyped so far


zaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa xD

Signed and sealed by future King of Albanian Kingdom. Hail me

Signed by Italian CP And Nemesis-Atlas SoFA

Signed by Sw citizien



Potpis palcem

Signed and patented by king of the world


Signed PM Mexico


guerraaaaa xD