انتشار شده در Serbia - کسب و کار مالی - 28 Sep 2017 22:42 - 19
o dear readers
as you all know admins of game 2 days ago changed medal damage requirements which players didnt like and protested and was cancelled then they set all medal damages to 0 so they can show us the problem with too much gold I dont wanna discuss about if their way was right or wrong
we will have have roll back to 7 days ago today as we leaders of both major alliances requested that chaotic change we all agreed that we will have more communication between players and admins through leaders of alliances and cps of major countries
also admin has requested us to publish articles for new change propositions for game problems and they will also same for changed they wanna make and every change will be implemented only if 80% of CPs of countries agree as admins say
they pointed out a major problem which made them make that chaotic change
too much gold in game we as leaders of alliances told them that only few players posses huge amount of gold and most of players have reasonable amount of gold also those players posses too many high profitable factories like q5 ships or q5 helicopter factories
so as we agreed I published this article to propose my idea to solve this problem
I propose that we set a tax on property and gold based on amount of gold and level of player for example lvl 40 having 200 golds is free but over 200 golds you must pay tax to country for having gold same for property for example lvl 100 player can have only 5 q5 helicopter factories for more he must pay extra taxes for each additional tax
also admins pointed that gold from medals are way too high but we answered that daily fighters need those gold to survive on battlefield
so for this problem I propose we reduce damage of all weaponry including helicopters tanks and ships so people who stock too much damage wont be able to gain too much gold on release of damage and low level players and daily fighters wont be harmed
3rd proposition is that life kits stock will have a limit and and players wont be able to stock more than a specific number of life kits based on their strength
that will also avoid mive amount of gold flow in the game or we can have life kit storage in game which can be bought and maintained with daily gold
at the end I must say all kind of constructive comments are welcome
best regards
as you all know admins of game 2 days ago changed medal damage requirements which players didnt like and protested and was cancelled then they set all medal damages to 0 so they can show us the problem with too much gold I dont wanna discuss about if their way was right or wrong
we will have have roll back to 7 days ago today as we leaders of both major alliances requested that chaotic change we all agreed that we will have more communication between players and admins through leaders of alliances and cps of major countries
also admin has requested us to publish articles for new change propositions for game problems and they will also same for changed they wanna make and every change will be implemented only if 80% of CPs of countries agree as admins say
they pointed out a major problem which made them make that chaotic change
too much gold in game we as leaders of alliances told them that only few players posses huge amount of gold and most of players have reasonable amount of gold also those players posses too many high profitable factories like q5 ships or q5 helicopter factories
so as we agreed I published this article to propose my idea to solve this problem
I propose that we set a tax on property and gold based on amount of gold and level of player for example lvl 40 having 200 golds is free but over 200 golds you must pay tax to country for having gold same for property for example lvl 100 player can have only 5 q5 helicopter factories for more he must pay extra taxes for each additional tax
also admins pointed that gold from medals are way too high but we answered that daily fighters need those gold to survive on battlefield
so for this problem I propose we reduce damage of all weaponry including helicopters tanks and ships so people who stock too much damage wont be able to gain too much gold on release of damage and low level players and daily fighters wont be harmed
3rd proposition is that life kits stock will have a limit and and players wont be able to stock more than a specific number of life kits based on their strength
that will also avoid mive amount of gold flow in the game or we can have life kit storage in game which can be bought and maintained with daily gold
at the end I must say all kind of constructive comments are welcome
best regards
نظر ها (19)

this is bullshit, I dont want to pay tax for my companies, I earn them, I build them from my gold and from my effort why should I pay for that???

Worst idea ever, bro. With respect.

NO because is take gold from many citizens for give to one CP or one small group of citizens
A country don t need more income, they have only 20g to pay for DoW or 10g for attack



That way, only fighters can have several companies. Because you don t get enough xp while producing. Don t like it.

nice point Dictoo it should not be based on level but instead of saying this is BS make a suggestion for the problem this way people with too many companies and too much gold will only be in loss not ordinary players

Comapanies : Yes ,gold and lk: NO

All restrictions for production cause inflation, weapons to expensive = big profit = less activity.
In the other side to much weapons kill industry and with the actual system for TP make rich fighters
We can find a just middle

Start for reduce the TP, TA to 4 gold, and extend the maximum factories to 10. You will see prices go down.
But in another hand admin have to reduce the cost for Training, and the gold pack price

Un ISF kek

I agree that players with too much factories should pay taxes, e.g. for more than five. Taxation on saved gold and limiting lk is stupid. Also, gaining TP medals should be a little harder (than it was 3 days ago) as players develop but not as extreme as that system with 1b dmg for medal.

مالیات بستن به اکانت بیکاری هان 

Where are those people who said they want Kaveh for admin? 

disagree, as many of us has lots of gold before all this mess, why should that players pay for mistake of others including admin, about LK lasting 3 days, thats way to short. Simple solution was rollback if its too much gold now..

OK what i will say now its goes for time before this mess was made, so 10 days ago or so. Having less gold as you proposed 200g and more is taxed, will mean that no country will be able to maintain MM and thats just one of problems. Also some traders use bigger amount of that, so that would have big impact there etc etc... Suggestion is admin get out of selling gold for eruos, there is alternative ways, or simple adjust gold in shop with inflation, as even if you take out gold from players 420g for 70 euros cant do anything in this game and it means your customers can be RL rich people.

guys we need to reduce amount of gold in game this will force rich players to invest them fighting by buying EDs and rpgs there are people with over 1 2 k gold and they dont know what to do with them just waiting for discount and making more factories and then earning gold and here we go again this cycle must be broken somewhere

restart, just leave referrals as they were