انتشار شده در Hungary - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 03 Dec 2017 20:53 - 22
Greetings! I want to introduce some lucky jewel hunters in history. Here they are:

Lara Croft - Found the triangle of Light
Indiana Jones - Found the Ark of the Covenant
Rick O'Connell - Found the city of Hamunaptra

Rockerzsolti82 - Found a blue stone during fighting in Erevollution
I sell:
-1000 Q4 heli per 40 gold
-95 Q5 food per gold
-Q5 houses for 6.5 gold

Lara Croft - Found the triangle of Light

Indiana Jones - Found the Ark of the Covenant

Rick O'Connell - Found the city of Hamunaptra

Rockerzsolti82 - Found a blue stone during fighting in Erevollution
I sell:
-1000 Q4 heli per 40 gold
-95 Q5 food per gold
-Q5 houses for 6.5 gold
progabeszLackoaNemethLackoaNemethFlyingCangarooKatrina55HuMaViOruzmekVadgesztenyeschonikKinyasrockerzsolti82rockerzsolti82rockerzsolti82rockerzsolti82rockerzsolti82rockerzsolti82rockerzsolti82rockerzsolti82XVIII SztyepanXVIII SztyepanXVIII SztyepanXVIII SztyepanXVIII SztyepanXVIII SztyepanXVIII SztyepanXVIII SztyepanXVIII SztyepanXVIII SztyepanXVIII SztyepanXVIII SztyepanXVIII SztyepanXVIII SztyepanXVIII SztyepanXVIII SztyepanXVIII SztyepanXVIII SztyepanXVIII SztyepanXVIII SztyepanXVIII SztyepanXVIII SztyepanXVIII SztyepanXVIII SztyepanXVIII Sztyepanno0bsailbotno0bsailbotBikkin BOZGOR Talan CHEATERGottfried BouillonZerstorerZerstorerZerstorerنظر ها (22)


Szurkolok Zsoltinak, hogy találja meg a kincset! 

Találtam kék követ tegnap, gyorsan el is adtam. 

Ne haragudj, de erre a Lara Croftra felállt a pöcöröm aztán már nem is görgettem lejjebb...mert minek?

Ne kamuzz, másképp nem tudtál volna kommentelni 


Made 18k hits - 0 jewels. Rockerzsolti82 must be some lucky Irish four leaf clover lepperchaun...

ive got a blue stone too from battle, did like few hundreds hits. But it was saturday. From that no stones :/

I droped blue stone Day 1 with only 300 hits

More illustrations of Lara Croft using less clothes would be interesting


I rarely play anymore and i got that stone the first day it was introduced while doing my DO. Still dont know whats it for tho


I have found blue once, but I thought you can find pink too ...

Haha, so good

You forgot Hans Landa..

my bad