انتشار شده در Japan - کسب و کار مالی - 01 Jan 2018 08:47 - 10

Another year and another government program for everyone's benefit. Normally we all upgrade our Factory's when we have the money. But Did you know the government gets 10% of The money you spend? How would you like to get some of that back? Its like an Admin Discount day YEAR AROUND!
This is how the program will work:
1. Get ready for your upgrade by opening the screen that shows the Japan Treasury
2. This only works for factory's under My Buildings Companies So go there.
3. Two steps here take a Screenshot of the Treasury Before Pic and Upgrade your factory
4. After your factory is upgraded take another Screenshot of the treasury (you can do multiple upgrades in this way as long as you list them all under the form and we can do the math)
5. And very important last step make sure you fill all lines From this form
You will recive an 8% return on your expenditures Example you spend 370g you get 29.6 back Can anyone say Free Helis :) or another factory start?

And as always Vote and subs are welcome.
Captain HarlockMandoQurcikaEl MachichoJacabtw1saeid1379نظر ها (10)

Happy New Year! Nice article (sorry Hungary, you had own history, I was not involved ;-) Sub+Vote+Support

s+v, also support

You are right. We return 10% but only for the eHungarian citizens who decided to stay in our country.
For everyone: If your country don t return you from this tax, choose Afghanistan instead Japan. Hassan returns 9% after the upgrades for every citizen 

Jaca it dose not stat you need to stay a eHungarian citizen to get the tax rebate only that you need to be one at the time maybe you should state that in your literature instead of after the fact...

Blablabla. I told you everything about it once and I don t want to repeat it again. It s funny to see how many tears you drop for that 30 gold 

Lol who we got there jaca the bozz

You are right, slave 

lol agreeing me witht that word right? 

Ive already have companies so thanks but no thanks
P.S dont touch Jaca she is how to put it very tough girl