انتشار شده در Indonesia - تجزیه و تحلیل جنگ - 10 Jan 2018 06:46 - 43
Hello eRevers wherever you are,
Agent Conan here.
Bulgaria recently joined Indonesia in the wiped country list (Ha Ha Ha). Did Bulgaria's allies help? or abandoned it? Let's check the fact.
Iran is the 3rd biggest country in the world. We all know that Iran doesn't have active war with NEMESIS. Iran is just busy taking and saving its bonus, bla bla bla. So they could help his allies in need. But, really?

At the end, Bulgaria is wiped, and angry to xxxxxxxx. But, who to blame? Iran? Where is the-3rd-biggest-country-without-active-war's damage? Just ducking 10-14 Billions? Oh really? NO.
Meanwhile, tik-tok-tik-tok-tik-tok *sound effect*

What if those enormous damages goes to Bulgarian battle? Maybe it's gonna be a different story today. Don't you agree Bulgarians? (Ha Ha Ha). They were defending Indonesian's region hard! I mean HARD! I am sorry Bulgaria, Iran loves Indonesia more than you, GTFO!
Case closed? NOT YET. In the other planet named China, Agent Conan found something interesting.

MultIRANian are moving to CHINA! Who da is that Kim Mo Chi? or something like that. Well, of course he is Iranian multi, wanna bet 1000 G with me? ;) They all move to china to secure it's politic and military from others (or maybe another reasons), so Iranian kitten could have easy farmville life in China's land. So clic yet so true. When Indonesia tried to do it, Admin or Moderator(we know who) banned the China's CP and Indo player! (Ha Ha Ha) But when Iranian did it, all is well, all is well.

Born in August 2017, in the time where ACE's op against Iran in China's land started. GGWP.
Agent Conan out o7
Agent Conan here.
Bulgaria recently joined Indonesia in the wiped country list (Ha Ha Ha). Did Bulgaria's allies help? or abandoned it? Let's check the fact.
Iran is the 3rd biggest country in the world. We all know that Iran doesn't have active war with NEMESIS. Iran is just busy taking and saving its bonus, bla bla bla. So they could help his allies in need. But, really?

At the end, Bulgaria is wiped, and angry to xxxxxxxx. But, who to blame? Iran? Where is the-3rd-biggest-country-without-active-war's damage? Just ducking 10-14 Billions? Oh really? NO.
Meanwhile, tik-tok-tik-tok-tik-tok *sound effect*

What if those enormous damages goes to Bulgarian battle? Maybe it's gonna be a different story today. Don't you agree Bulgarians? (Ha Ha Ha). They were defending Indonesian's region hard! I mean HARD! I am sorry Bulgaria, Iran loves Indonesia more than you, GTFO!
Case closed? NOT YET. In the other planet named China, Agent Conan found something interesting.

MultIRANian are moving to CHINA! Who da is that Kim Mo Chi? or something like that. Well, of course he is Iranian multi, wanna bet 1000 G with me? ;) They all move to china to secure it's politic and military from others (or maybe another reasons), so Iranian kitten could have easy farmville life in China's land. So clic yet so true. When Indonesia tried to do it, Admin or Moderator

Born in August 2017, in the time where ACE's op against Iran in China's land started. GGWP.
Agent Conan out o7
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Jajajaja so true xD How long does it take for Gurgians and Bulgarians to realize that they are being played by Iranian kitten? XD

prime minister and cp of bulgaria said: we can not fight 0 stock 0 heli 0 gold and they said pls do not fight . so now you can silence the object

oh really, so Iran will not send helis and stocks to its allies? OK, this is interesting!

jajajajaja MultIRANian

i have question. why serbia did not help to indonesia ? its intersting too D:



Losers always try to hide their defeat !

Oh and about the last night war , sorry we troubled serb s op in iran xd 20 bil in 5 min would have been impressive but again you are not talking to fools

Waw LOL those Kim Mo Chi is here fast! Interesting.
Well @B4B, how many times will you ask NAP for Indo? I thought you left politics, lol XD

442268 they said that for last battle :-) where you be whole war? :-)

@miracle xd i was trying to help your poor nation to have some golds but you are pathetic anyway xd can t see a helpful hand :3

08 Jan 04:28:::::::::kris124 to True Fighter::::::::we capitulated, we cant fight, 0 stock, 0 heli, 0 gold_____________________ 08 Jan 04:54:::::::::::L E G I O N to True Fighter ::::::::::::::no , we will dont fight

@B4B, poor nation that caused troubles to the kitten? Well, we will cause more troubles, dont worry
Btw, you were never a handful man since the first time, really.

xD well enjoy your wipe time we have no plan to free you any time soon


Anak tikus everywhere... voted

masuk tipi o.o

Ayah tikus. Miracle, chamaco.

How cool would it be to ban iranian and georgian multies? And all the venezuelan bought accounts? I know I`m a dreamer...

We can we do if u can do it 

This is happening! Wait, what? Multiranian? It s sounds like MULTIRACIAL on one of tab on a POURRRNNNWEBSITEEEEE! So shame on you!

And again some indonesian pigs are crying we help our friends if they ask for help we don t betray our friends like you


LoL ..
tak tung tung .. o/

With priceless articles and Indonesian delusion, you can not erase your dirty past ,always remember you re a puppet and your punishment was removed from the map

Always remember you re a puppet and your punishment was removed from the map

Always remember you re a puppet and your punishment was removed from the map

Always remember you re a puppet and your punishment was removed from the map

Always remember you are a puppet and your punishment was removed from the map

Everyone knows Iranians are great allies ! This is useless propaganda.

Always remember you re a puppet and your punishment was removed from the map

Always remember you re a puppet and your punishment was removed from the map

Esus didn t iran took Paris hammm 

@Nime, since we talk about things with no relation, my underwear is blue today.

great allies that once took your capital.. no relation what so ever, you are right.

Puppet show isn t? Wow. I hope I ll can become a Teletubbies 😊

Well one Ancestral is still salty today for getting beat a week ago after spending his stock. Why don’t you get that big beam out of you mr eye before pointing at others lol. Nevertheless, really hope some day you guys can find a peacefull agreement. Being wiped isn’t fun

I didn`t even spend my stock
Keep buying accs 

syapii belum mandiiii.. tak tung tuang.... tak tung tuang....hahahaha