انتشار شده در Croatia - بحث های سیاسی و تجزیه تحلیل - 14 Jan 2018 04:23 - 19
Admin pls remove Tovar from mod team before he mute and ban all Croats!!!!! If you can hear me,or at least take a word with him and calm him down...
He constantly baning our cp eco.. he is just waiting 1 wrong word and he emediatly ban him...
We have 4 attacks on us in this moment and he baned him beacose he copy pasted on national chanel post from other guy..and guy gets mute cp ban.. and it was nothing special just a joke...
Croats had enough of this many of us consider leaving croatia beacose tovar(child i think) just hates asecco.. Thats the only reason why he ban him all the time...
If you wana balance in game pls talk to tovar..or many of us will leave croatia..
Regards Croat Warrior...
He constantly baning our cp eco.. he is just waiting 1 wrong word and he emediatly ban him...
We have 4 attacks on us in this moment and he baned him beacose he copy pasted on national chanel post from other guy..and guy gets mute cp ban.. and it was nothing special just a joke...
Croats had enough of this many of us consider leaving croatia beacose tovar(child i think) just hates asecco.. Thats the only reason why he ban him all the time...
If you wana balance in game pls talk to tovar..or many of us will leave croatia..
Regards Croat Warrior...
SchwayxtixKing Ragnar LodbrokTovarDanteTovarDanteTovarDanteTovarDanteTovarDanteTovarDanteTovarDanteTovarDanteTovarDanteTovarDanteTovarDanteVirus JackGibeSpurdo SpardeKinyasDreamkiller1514progabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszDoomtroopsHomer_STwitterKongoنظر ها (19)

Podrska Tovaru o7

with great power comes great constipation.. now accepting donations for laxative for mod team. just a joke. dont ban me pls.

Yes and i know how much he hates him .beacose we are in same discord chanel ..and i read bad stuff about asecco many times there from tovar... but baning him every few weeks for 1 bad word cmoonnn.. STOP REPRESION!!!

unfortunatelly this will decide war

U emigraciju...


Opasan Tovar neki lik
.Ma dajte Tovar je mala maca prema nekim iz Hrvatske ali i iz Srbije.Miaw 

Tovare šta si to uradio

Blokirao nam je sav državni gold

Podrska Tovaru o7

doli tovar


Tovar je nas mi smo Tovarovi o7

Tovar spuzva luda

Tovar je nas mi smo Tovarovi x2

UTovario ga Tovar hahahah

Nista, kad je tako, vrata Japana su vam otvorena. A mod neka pokaze sta ume sa onima koji ostanu ;-)