انتشار شده در Japan - بحث های سیاسی و تجزیه تحلیل - 20 Jan 2018 13:51 - 17

MandoMandoMandoMandoXooKaip3xRONxCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockGabrielz HornArchAngel 70QurcikacOSHicOSHiErnan KortesErnan KortesLynchJacaنظر ها (17)

The Prime Minister of Japan - https://www.erevollution.com/sr/article/30884

Jella great Person and a weeaboo

Ako Japan dodje u Atlas propalo se definitivno :-)

v c

LOL, But shishui nobody ask you anything


Znači Peaky i Shisui u prijateljskim savezima ruku pod ruku :-)

As always, Srdjan s articles are representing high class in news production. My gratitude! P. S. @Peaky, come to Japan and you will not crying anymore ;-) @Batasha, mozda cak i u istoj drzavi, samo nam ti falis ;-)

@Jella otela si mi misao iz glave u vezi BATASHA-ke
Great as always article Srdjan-san

Really nice style of writing classy

loooooooooooooool imperial Japan. whatttttttttttttt
who is from japan????

o7 good article you are best whrite articles )

Jellal in my eyes in one of the most honorable players I ve met in this game

coshi, you need to visit doctor

@cOSHI, thanks, I can tell the same for you. @ktab, I really hope that you are not recommending the doctors in Auschwitz... Gratitude to eGermans for advertising
