انتشار شده در Croatia - بحث های سیاسی و تجزیه تحلیل - 30 Jan 2018 13:57 - 19
New president of Croatia has ascended to the throne, the One everyone wanted from the very beginning of the game. Friends salute him and enemies fear his very name. He is the one who united all of Croatian divided MUs under one banner. That person of course is none other than our eternal leader SPAGE whom you can see below socializing with Croatian people who before his arrival suffered so much.

In very brief time he has been on the presidential position he has raised life standard in county, people have more food, kids get better education and we live better than before in general. Here we see our eternal leader guiding our youth towards the brighter future.

But let us talk about military because everyone already knows about his immortal victories over occupational forces of evil. We see him here bravely leading Croats into yet another victory.

Just few battles won by his boost of morale and encouragement.

The next elections are not to be feared even though we live in a VERY democratic system no other candidate stands a chance against our beloved president. The election sheets on next elections should look something like this:

It is important to give our people options. Thank you for reading and remember this is NOT a propaganda and all these pictures were taken with digital camera and are UNEDITED.

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