انتشار شده در Georgia - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 23 Aug 2018 06:50 - 28
Hope some people still play this game :/ Haven't made an article for ages XD
So what is this article about?
We all know that game is dead Even Moderators say that Long time ago I had problem with bot and this is want Moderator said
http://prntscr.com/km1xmt (You can check Its in eRev Discrd official server)
Anyways, I had an idea to make e-Revolution 2 where everything will restart
But same game with different name? Whats the point ?
Many players suggested administration lots of things to add here
And Moderator known as TovarDante gave me hope
So is e-Revolution 2 coming soon?
it depends on us guys
Just vote this article and comment what you think about this
LogitechJacaPanagougeArabStallionنظر ها (28)

Nope, dont even wonder about that.

restart server or ill leave game

lol, that s my name there in the pic

Ok and what is a point of eRev2? Game will die like this for 2 or 3 years without a good marketing.


This game would have been great even at this stage, if only there weren t bugs that messed things up, and some people took great advantage of it. However, TovarDante already announced there will be news after summer, so there is nothing left to say, except keep patient and enjoy the summer, it is almost over 

@Jelke the point is that we will have more fun during that 2-3 years (may be more) than we have now
@ER0sensei I did not say that it will definitely happen
@misteriosa Yes i agree but update? come on man... whats the point? accounts will be same, people will be same and game will be same
@Logitech thank you
I really appreciate that

There is an update on the way. We took into account a lot of suggestions from the players and their impacts on the game. I have no information about what the update will be, but I know that it will set a better course for eRev. Personally I think the idea of eRev2 is a bit off the rails, it would destroy all the time and effort people put into eRev for 950 days and it would be an insult to them. However this game is not unforgiving like other games, it allows newbie players to rise up and get into the fight easily. So I expect more new blood and more groups in the future. Just enjoy the game, and try to invite others; it is a very social game and is best played with friends.

Game is should not the change, admins are the must be change.. Sorry, this decide is not change our thoughts about the game. Game is dead because you are dear admins.. Ok

Restart game good idea 

@FYNh so, -big amount of gold in game- problem is solved huh? What did you guys do to fix it? I can see that my gold balance is fluffier than ever. This is how you guys fixed it? Doing nothing for months? According to our 950days experience of erev we can clearly say that upcoming update will be shitty as always. Please tell us which suggestions did you guys take on the list. So we can decide whether play till the update or not. We are so sick of waiting for a decent update.

Add new server and make him works 100 day with new country or ww1 ww2 country and after this 100 day make to add als staff win in this server in first erev.

add also torpedo bomber, capital ships and aircraft cariers, divide sea territories and add resourses

if my stuff resets and all that work is gone i will not play this game NOR a second game with the same name.

reset the game

Reset game


If I didnt have hope I would have told you people long before. If I didnt have hope, I would have quit before most of the players. I am still here because I have seen the significant changes in the top level. I know they are trying, so I m still here.

Propala igra ,propali admini 

Reset every 2 years but keeping equipment and production companies (not raw). Thats the answer

Are you kidding?
The game is good only needs to make a few changes:
reset resources
To reduce the number of regions that the state can have a maximum of 7 and a minimum of 1 region, let the formula for the number of players make sense.
increase the damage of the rocket, insert a new torpedo weapon, give the houses a double energy, instead of 2x work better 4x work.
that in the region all hospitals q1, q2, q3, q4, q5 and defense systems q1, q2, q3, q4, q5 can be accommodated in the region.
Insert the event where they will shoot with pistols, tanks, submarines.
a little better prize in hit10k
I did not see that VISA player is better than a VISA player?
then the congressmen are elected from the regions
then tournaments every weekend to be tournaments 1 day landing on the second day of marine tournaments.
but when the tournaments go to the state on the state 1vs1

Game is good . Crveni +1 ...

If I need to start again from zero I will probably stop to play. Reset everything is a bad Idea. Maybe adding something where both newbies and veterans have the same Power, without str/int advancement

Reset everything, give back gold bought and just add some protection against bot.

Except i dont see any reason to play some other

guys some of you said that if game restarts you won t play
I just said that if there would be another game eRevolution 2 it would be good
But I did not say that eRevolution (1) the game we play now will be deleted
its like GTA lV and GTA V
When GTA V came out did GTA lV delete? No. its the same
there would be 2 games
Guys when you are saying ,,Change something what should they change? I don t get it
Also @FYNh you said that we should invite other people :/ come on
We tell someone ,,Hey do you want to play dead game where everyone except you has good accounts and for you to get like that you will need 2 years? is this what you want us to tell people?

What s the point in starting exactly the same game? Many people have spent lots of time on their accounts. A new way of integrating new players has to be found in to the current game. May be players can be categorized into 3 categories based on the combination of strength and level. Then the battles can be done among the categories and the side who win in 2 of the 3 categories will win the battle. By this way, new comers can make a distinction in terms of battles. I think the economy side of the game can also be improved. Apart from introducing new products, a unified global market can be opened. Many country markets are almost dead but to keep active local markets alive, this global market can stay open only 1 day for each week.

@Suppiluliuma You can play which game you want man
Part 1 or Part 2 it depends on you