انتشار شده در Turkey - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 28 Nov 2018 01:22 - 12

Who answered?
2pingPratinoنظر ها (12)

no tits no answer

Lol I don t see basket en children. Nice.

You have to make multiplying first. So real answer is 43, 19×2=38. 38+5=43
Have a nice day.

I guess you are not in that 1% mate, the right answer is 43 not 48.... first you have to multiply 19x2 than you add 5

if several types of operations occur in the exercise, then we first perform the second order, in the order in which they appear (multiplication and division), then the first order (addition and subtraction) 5+(5+4+10)x2= 5+19x2=43 (I didn`t see the bouquets of flowers in the boy s hand and the shoes) 

19*2=43? ??? xD

layayol , you need first 19*2 , and then + 5
You have to make multiplying first!! xDD

5+19*2= 5+38=43
because, if several types of operations occur in the exercise, then we first perform the second order, in the order in which they appear (multiplication and division), then the first order (addition and subtraction).

http://prntscr.com/lo7jdm this is for everyone that have issue with this complicated math problem

in Portugal 5+19x2=43

I think its wrong. Is 43. But i dont know how do matematics operations in your countty. So....

Never noticed the bouquet and the shoes on the guy. But it s 43. Every heard of Order of Operations?