انتشار شده در Turkey - تجزیه و تحلیل جنگ - 05 May 2019 10:27 - 20
Hello Admins
Too many players not to hit against defense ( q5 def ) İf you remove this defense system. We will see more war . We will see too much direct war and a lot of players will use their stocks. too many weapons have accumulated in the game.
Do it and see what happens
İf you are support this idea VOTE o7
Too many players not to hit against defense ( q5 def ) İf you remove this defense system. We will see more war . We will see too much direct war and a lot of players will use their stocks. too many weapons have accumulated in the game.
Do it and see what happens
İf you are support this idea VOTE o7
B A R O NKojouVasco da GamaKingorionMattleansblueSOLARsipinasipinasipinaramcoramcoPratinoRomyPiXiESSBattal GaziFerdi Carrefourنظر ها (20)

Pirinç, adam haklı

or change DS usage: put some dmg for defending side instead reducing the attacker s dmg.

or add reduction viper etc..

MrBogdan-s version is actually a sound idea, much better then OP-s.


Madártej gyárakat kell építeni e-Reven!

MrBogdan has a good point.

Defence system should be temporary.

Mr.Bogdan +1

admins.. delete pussies

If you delete DS thas fine just return my 700 golds to build it AND the 27 raw companies it takes to feed the damn thing. Other than that, i am all for it. :-)

Selling/installing DS5 for only 50 golds! PM

couple of times we said to admins to make that ds count 20k hits and then it will be destroyed, so defending side must put another one

good idea peaky.

More damage to defensive side sounds really good, instead of debuff atacker side.
Like another game, we need one day with 100% more damage event 

Defense systems are supposed to give a buff to the defending side. Usually the more aggressive countries are stronger so the weaker ones should have somewhat of a buff.
Nerfing them might be ok, but removing them is bullshit.

Damage given by player shoud not be reduced but the damage infuluence the battle should reduced. For example if i hit against ds or not againts ds i will hit same so my rank and damage for tp/ta wont effect from ds but the effect to battle will reduce so no body care about damage reduction hitting agains ds.