انتشار شده در Hungary - بحث های سیاسی و تجزیه تحلیل - 22 Apr 2020 14:30 - 4
As you Know John said in his speech today in Taipei also mentioned if germany wanted to make the Weimer Republic on doing it with this anthem, we would help. But the german leader Micheal Stanislawin Von Dockenstein the II said maybe but we wish to do it but German Prime Minister Baliey Dunkonstein said I am not happy with this idea- Bailey Dunkonstein (Prime Minister of Germany) Another man who said a bad thing about this was Czech and Slovak Prime Minister Vacek Haveling said this in Prauge.
This is really bad about Weimer- Vacek Haveling (Prime Minister of Czech Rep. and Slovak Rep.
This is really bad about Weimer- Vacek Haveling (Prime Minister of Czech Rep. and Slovak Rep.
F4llen4ngelنظر ها (4)

But also our own Prime Minster Hailey Bundockenstein said Im really not catching up with this So we exiled her to Siberia


What the...