انتشار شده در Romania - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 19 Feb 2021 05:01 - 4
Many people in Romania say the word bozgor to Hungarians, and its supposed meaning is homeless.Sándor N. Szilágyi does not think this: “From a linguistic point of view, this Bozgor is a rare interesting case (…) Romanians do not know about the meaning of the word Bozgor“ homeless ”. They had never heard of it. (…) They are of the opinion that this word means “Hungarian”, just a little mocking, defamatory, not even quite benevolent ”.But then what does it mean? Perhaps the same as the Bashkir word: "In 1849, the warriors of the Tsarist troops who came here to suppress the war of independence allegedly confused us with the Bashkirs, and so we called us, the Romanians learned from them, slightly changing the shape of the word." But this is hardly believable. "According to another explanation, bozgor as a nickname could be traced back to the Slavic (Russian?) Bez" without (i) "and gora" mountain ", in another version gorod" city "could be traced back to the words" mountains "and" cities ". without them "we would be." Nor can this be proven. Teacher Szilágyi's explanation: “it could have come about in a word combination, namely, that the end is the end of the eel, the beginning - how can I say this nicely now, so that no one will believe that I want to speak ugly? - the beginning of the Hungarian bozmeg. I wrote this way not only because it might be more tolerant of printing ink, but also because this is how Romanians hear it. And in the fact that the bozgor may have formed, it may also have contributed to the fact that the ungur also has a twin-word form, the ungur-bungur. Of this, the ungur prefix is more neutral, while the ungur-bungur occurs only in nickname usage. (I was annoyed by him as a child as well.) All I needed here was a little wit and naughty mood, changing the word bun – to boz based on the corresponding Hungarian word, and I already have the ungur-bozgor, or even the bozgor o appears in the first syllable under the influence of o) ”.And if they don’t believe it, here’s the rationale: “This explanation is also supported by the fact that it is common in all parts of the world to name another nation with one of its most frequently used words that is considered characteristic of it. The Maori of New Zealand, for example, call the French Wiiwii because they have always heard from them that oui, oui “yes, yes”. Especially in the army, it used to be lar with Hungarians to call Romanians nusty. Apparently, the Romanians considered the use of boz to be very typical of us, and if we want to be honest, there was probably a reason for it. ” (Original publication published: Szabadság August 15, 1997)
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You are too hurtful, you don t have to take everything personally ...
The meaning of the word is supposed (probably wrong) to be in Hungarian countryless man, stateless. In Hungarian it is supposed to come from Slavic or Romanian. It is used with a pejorative, depreciative shade. This is written in the Romanian dictionary.

Why am I hurting? MrBogdan and his other similar buddies hurt us with this term !!! Anyway, its meaning is described above!

gata frate , acum o luam pe political corect ! serios ??? bozgor e folosit cu termen peiorativ pt ungut . punct . acum si ungurii au alte termene cu sens peiorativ pt romani ! gunoaie se afla si intr o parte si in alta !

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