انتشار شده در Cuba - اولین قدم در eRevollution - 22 May 2021 23:45 - 12
For the first time in my life, since playing these games, I see that the number 1 player has been banned temporarily🥶🥶😱. The Last Lynx Pardinus hold bro and we love you and think of you🥰👍🍻🍻🍻.
The Last Lynx PardinusBakiBakiBakiBakiBakiBakiBakiBakiBakiBakiBakiBakiBakiBakiBakiBakiBakiBakiBakiBakiBakiBakiBakiBakiBakisonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesoneClorofillaClorofillaClorofillasonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonesonegaladraelنظر ها (12)

Αστα δεν κοιμαμε τα βραδια

when someone dont play by rules must be banned, no matter what number is... when you broke rules is easy to be number 1...

itso- did U know what he did?

i dont have idea, but i think he scam somehow... hate speach or probably multies... admin dont ban for other. Also i`m sure he cant have that stocks without multies, he is 2star player... so dont buy gold - things are clear

This is not the first time for me. https://www.erevollution.com/en/profile/11019 was first with and temporaly banned with a reduction of points

LoOping- I didn t see itI didn t see it😁😁😁

Itso- I was bought gold and SP and MP😁😁👍

11 hours ago
i dont have idea, but i think he scam somehow... hate speach or probably multies... admin dont ban for other. Also i`m sure he cant have that stocks without multies, he is 2star player... so dont buy gold - things are clear ....lol , you have 2 stars too , and you have 4 x more stock xD

So, Itso who is 2 star player, tanking every week and taking 1st place on tournament for last 4-5 weeks says:
-he cant have that stocks without multies, he is 2star player... so dont buy gold - things are clear -
Hahahha, what a hypocrite! you are making x3 dmg more then Lynx

@Lo0pinG - Vadge and his two friend got temp ban after my detailed analysis and report. I was watching them 4 night in a row and logging every hit. They had an sc.ry.pt which every 3 mins ate food and made one 200hp hit. exactly every 3 min whole night.
They deserved to be banned and lost their exp

No problem with that. I just said that I already saw it once.