انتشار شده در Japan - اولین قدم در eRevollution - 23 Mar 2016 09:21 - 22
First it was this user:
But, he had 3 comments so he not got the prize and i rolled again:
the happy winner is Satanas, congratz :) gold already bought for you ;)

But, he had 3 comments so he not got the prize and i rolled again:

the happy winner is Satanas, congratz :) gold already bought for you ;)
نظر ها (22)


Damn i was thinking that i will be the lucky winner and planing the gold for TG Q4 hahahahahaha Congrats to the Satanas o7


congrat to winner

ofc, a japs 

v .. congratz to Satanas 

Nice luck =D

congrat Satans send me 10% 


LoL what i get?

damn my black magic didnt work :/

omg omg what a surprise, the guy from japan... i knew this is bshit so i didnt even bother to comment or even more subscribe vote for your article
but come on , couldnt you think of smth more realistic?

Guy from Japan from MU yakuza what suprise

Satanas, congratz
gold already bought for you 

The second in the unofficial roll winner was YouGodMe that got 168 gold 

shit !!!
i never win anything before
bad luck with me !!!

and another japonese win the prize !!!
what a luck ...

congrats o7

thanks lord tamaki 

Yisus xD

:o i'm the truth winer :'(
You don't specify if is onlyone comment