انتشار شده در Bosnia and Herzegovina - اولین قدم در eRevollution - 07 Dec 2022 08:32 - 9
These admins only post one and the same events, they think it's what keeps us in the game, but they're wrong..Whatever I wrote in the chat on Discord, they argued with me and I argued with them...
In the end, when they annoyed me, I started writing all sorts of things and they banned me from writing :P
Thanks to them for banning me from posting on their chat :P
When I write, I write in combination with google translator in my own way, but the admin doesn't like it :D
It used to be known that there was one and the same previous message, I write a hundred times, a little on the chat, a little on the ticket :D
But my people, these days everything is quiet
Why??who is to blame, the players or the admin??
The admin has to communicate with everyone and not spread empty stories, if he wants the game to be interesting for everyone, he has to communicate with everyone!!
Admin thinks if he introduced 7 air and 6 house that he fixed the game??
Players rarely write the same in the newspaper for new proposals..
when you need to write nonsense for a mission, you all write..
it's not a problem for me to write proposals to the admin of this game, but he refuses everything..
I could suggest a lot, but what's the point of suggesting when no one listens.
Admin, you have to divide the countries so that they go to war with each other, I wrote you a ticket, you just read it and threw it in the trash!!
kome sta nije jasno sta sam napisao to me ne intersuje!!
In the end, when they annoyed me, I started writing all sorts of things and they banned me from writing :P
Thanks to them for banning me from posting on their chat :P
When I write, I write in combination with google translator in my own way, but the admin doesn't like it :D
It used to be known that there was one and the same previous message, I write a hundred times, a little on the chat, a little on the ticket :D
But my people, these days everything is quiet
Why??who is to blame, the players or the admin??
The admin has to communicate with everyone and not spread empty stories, if he wants the game to be interesting for everyone, he has to communicate with everyone!!
Admin thinks if he introduced 7 air and 6 house that he fixed the game??
Players rarely write the same in the newspaper for new proposals..
when you need to write nonsense for a mission, you all write..
it's not a problem for me to write proposals to the admin of this game, but he refuses everything..
I could suggest a lot, but what's the point of suggesting when no one listens.
Admin, you have to divide the countries so that they go to war with each other, I wrote you a ticket, you just read it and threw it in the trash!!
kome sta nije jasno sta sam napisao to me ne intersuje!!
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Admin doesent care for community, only for money. And if you are not buyer he will not listen to you... Old same story

Ja mu poslao poruku da stavi Gold Ticket za 7.99€, i da će imati više zarade, jer će svi kupovati to, ali ga briga. Šta reći 😢😢

ja mu predlagao da ubaci turnir bez mpp pa da se rokamo do mile volje on ni da repom mrdne,invazija je promasaj godine u igri do sad..

Boli njega šurica za nas😁😁😁

Pa zar toliko nema mašte ,pas mu yb mm. Pa samo u krug vrti ove gluposti od eventa.

Huso , možeš li mi objasniti, ništa mi nije jasno 

Zamalo da ti napišem..

maybe the simpliest way is not to divide but fix a maximum citizens in each countries and give the possibility to ban citizens. Depending the limit, it would shake E-world. E-France will be safe from this new rule XD. Otherwise I don t see any other idea apart make a new french wipe challenge (or any other country wishing for it) in order to make fun. but for France let s start by getting back our cores XD

How is that? If we are 70 Romanian players, some of us is supposed to play for another country?