انتشار شده در Ukraine - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 14 Apr 2016 12:40 - 31
After the epic battle of Aquitanie, TRS had a meeting.
Japan surprised at TRS Meeting:

When TRS saw costs of lost battle.

Miltiados vs Shiro

Our lovely mascot,
Sanda the Panda:

Meanwhile, in the French Meeting:

sevenSteffanoSMiltiadosTyraelنظر ها (31)


Panda is love
Panda is life

Panda is national symbol of China not Japan. o7


Something like that 

JAPAN-FRANCE !!! RESPECT ! -http://www.erevollution.com/sr/article/4624 ||| http://www.erevollution.com/sr/article/4627 - Vremenska prognoza 

So there is less than 20 french and they look like asians? XD

lol, Gigabre Moravac, this is the best you can do? xD

Cmon you can do better...make me laugh at least.

Never forget this is just a game. Honor your friends,respect your opponents and have fun
No one have real enemies here.

loool that was awesome 

this should be what? funny? hahahahaha, you even suck at trolling XD

they left you the comment after 2-3 houres because they could not stop laughing 


I love your article


dd Voted


: D

ahahaha superb

hahahahahahaha nice 



Panda is national symbol of China not Japan. o7 x2

Hahaha xD

so panda is your mascot and japan in the same time, wow