انتشار شده در France - بحث های سیاسی و تجزیه تحلیل - 06 May 2016 01:42 - 147

Even if i could buy a few packs too and enjoy those 50% Damage booster, i'm for the balance !
We don't want to increase the GAP between PLAYERS and VISA even more.
Do we want another eSH*T game?
PS: Since when Energy Drinks became Energy Bars? copy/paste mistake.

FightAndProducePortuguese soldierTopSecretAlexvooztrollinEl ProfesorATEHTATOPOTButtersTMAncestralNipiusEsdeathLevi LegendDarkBlackSolar DragonFleetOilerMiguel MJSzilveszterKuruc2Sebastian DavalosSowxcakiMKRobinoنظر ها (147)


#SayNOtoEREVPACKS We dont need pay to win game..

They will make resource wars soon cause they copy paste everything 



Admins you give discount to help the newbies to reach higher strength. The same time you feed the VISA players with boosters.



Also for a limited time through the weekend - did you read this part?

Answered you on chat. http://prntscr.com/b0vyo4

Yeah.. Or put q5 booster for gold to be able to buy.



The q5 booster thing is awful. Another way for visas to win the game.

@KoB..what about no.. that will change from GAP between VISA and PLAYERS to GAP between RICH and POOR

Admins, while i have no problem with packs, please dont add IK, PP and anything like that that can influence greatly on outcome that single player can do in fight.
IM not fighter, so it wont matter to me that much, but that will stop game development and expansion and it will be slow downhill road. Try something inovative that wont win battles. I will support game, long as it doesnt go the way of wining battle with money.
Thats all i can say







#SayNOtoEREVPACKS! - невже це допоможе?

Also for a limited time through the weekend - did you read this part?
I hope you will not follow the same way than the old game... I hope you are providing this pack only for this week and don t do the same for the next discount in on month and then every month and then add new pack and then there will be limited time to buy pack but one pack to buy each week...









It is first time which I m agree with battleHero





Support! This will definitely ruin the game sooner rather than later!




I think most would call me a tank that would benefit but it is dangerous if it would become something common and adding more different packs after time that cannot even been bought from gold.
It would be ok if it would be like every 6th month or something special event to have one cheaper pack but not frequently because it would backfire only. My advice is: Don t get greedy because it would end up with a dead good server running. Don t follow someone else steps in development work, a copy can never become better than an original. Learn by others mistakes to your advantage instead.

I hope that ultimately at least the gap is not too big, would cause the same collapse that in the other game.
Admins, please learn from the mistakes that others made and dont repeat you.





#SayNOtoEREVPACKS like this.



Is that all I have to say



Support. you will eventually gain too much money admin, just be patient, wait for the game to become a huge community.


Admin there is absolutely no need for such packs. You want to make a useful one? Create a starters pack that will be available for new players until they reach lets say lvl25. No time limit. This will help people to advance without dramatically effect the balance of the game; my 2 cents

Ktab, you re absolutely right.

@ktab: +1! Depending on the content of the pack, that would make much more sense than this eRev pack. #SayNOtoEREVPACKS



lol OP forgot that one can buy gold from the day one, how can there be balance when someone has to earn 400 gold while someone buy them for $$

+2 ktab









#SayNOtoEREVPACKS We dont need pay to win game..







14 Visas saying #SayNotoErevpacks. Hypocrisy confirmed.



Alejandro, maybe we want balance? maybe we don t want to play this game just to give money to admin?



@BattleHero But isn t it funny you want to bring balance when most VISAS are already unstoppable? you would only make them more godlike if you stop the Development of others.








Selamun aleykum, votelerinizi bekliyorum Tanıtma ve Türkiye Partisi Milletvekili Adaylığı Sunum Makalesi https://www.erevollution.com/tr/article/5820













Buying Game Moderator for 30 Mins, I pay 300G + 100M damage






We still got eRev Packs despite our huge efforts.. Thanks , Admin ! looks like greedines got you too.

Listen to players please. :/


#saynotoerevpacks #saynotoenergybars


My advice is still: Dont get too greedy because it would end up with a dead good server, you have accomplished one of the hardest parts already by getting an alive server with people and economy to keep going. Dont follow someone else steps in development work, a copy can NEVER become better than an original. Learn by others mistakes to your advantage instead. Like ktab said, babypack. However most players here are familiar with packs and run as fast they can just by hearing the word...

I m afraid we can t do much. Game devs want to make money fast that s why they created a clone of other similar games. No fairness or balance, just $$$$.


Main reason I came here and play this game was hope that some things will be different, please do not make the same mistake, be better than other similar games.








How admins will pay for this game without packs ? If you wanna be strong - go and buy pack, if you wanna play for fun - dont buy ! The game is not made for our fun, is made for money !!! I will keep playing the game, i dont mind
because of these packs eRev is still here !


NO ! it will be like e-rep. beginning of the end.
soon erev powerpack and game over.

aDrenaLineBG We don t want a game where you have to pay like you describe. Your vision of Erevollution is quite annoying.



Seems like we lost the battle 


the end is soon, this is the begin of the end,#SayNOtoEREVPACKS





#HelpSultan !!!