انتشار شده در Japan - بحث های سیاسی و تجزیه تحلیل - 19 May 2016 12:23 - 50

Hello to all dear Japanese, I'm Kami Neko the first, truly and only one Emperor by blood.
I see now that the Empire of the Rising Sun I created going not by the Japanese way, it's looks different and not what supposed to be. I saw the Japanese that not liked the rule of Naki and Shiro and read all what they told.

I didnt acted until happened the worse, a war between Japan and Ukraine. I have only one thing to say "WTF you are DOING?". From the start the only truly ally of Japan was Ukraine, it was ally number 1 not Serbia.
Emperor's that destroyed it and made Serbia ally number 1 is not true Emperors. However, if you likes it or not Im still the only truly Emperor by blood and that means my word is above the fake Emperors of Japan words.

As the truly Emperor by blood, I'm Kami Neko, Command to the nation of Japan the Japanese nation, to throw on the ground your weapons and stop to fight for Serbia and against Ukraine. I not command you to surrender because Japanese never surrender but you need to stop this madness.

All Japanese that not listen to my command and continue to fight will be count as TRAITORS.
If the current fake Emperor Naki will not want to stop, his rule will be count as a puppet and he also will be a traitor of his country and truly Emperor.
If the Japanese fake Emperor will not stop and you want a safe palce (country) to live in outside of Japan and WOLF alliance, you can fill this form:
Best regards,
Kami Neko the truly Emperor of Japan by blood.
FIFILLOU1HeartBlackfurySeirinنظر ها (50)

o7 haah

Kami, Ukraine declared war on us for no reason. And recently we havent fought for Serbia, are you blind?

Kami i respect you, forgive me, but you don t understand a sh*t.

They left the alliance and attacked Japan. It was all their decision.

Serbia left Alliance one hour Ago, becouse of Naki.

by blood??
are you made
or mybe you are under 15
mmmmm let me ..........
oh or you are on your period right
you saying japan must surrender??
are you from japan???
lets see why now in middle of victory


Sorry Vokasi, it was because of Serbian government, not me. I did not force you anything 

sub 153 for more jok
dont be late bro

U drain DMG naki, and that DMG was important in ALB battle. Only help that we receive from u was only if u had interest.

Over selfishness, you are becoming too ridiculous, come here and say it s the fault of naki.
Goodbye Serbia.

I think someone have been sleeping under a rock for too long...

Serbia needs to learn that selfishnes doesnt lead to anything. I can remind you so much for a country that is with you from the very beginning that you have a border with and it was in a hopless situation and no one of you tryed to help her. Serbia was and will be selfish we know that from other games you play for yourself and alliase are only for to help you only but when time comes for helping those alliace Serbia likes to forget

Jimmy be clear, now it s time to remove the pebbles from shoes.

I think someone have been sleeping under a rock for too long... x2

add to Vtoro post: Serbia thinks that their allies throw damage in their suicidal battles, no thanks, we prefer to help real allies.

Kami Ukraine left TRS to keep balance in the game, they attacked japan.
what the **** onii-chan xD

I remember, not so long ago (when for the first time things didn t go your way in a battle with USA), you LEFT the game like a spoiled child that has lost a toy. Then with a series of nick changes, you tried to make people forget about it...and, on a whim you LEFT Japan. Your say in how we do things ended there.
So..I think someone should return to sleep under a rock. x3

reVokasi, Japan today helped win 2 VERY important battles for allies. While you commanded your allies to hit for an unimportant region of Albania.

Nakitu, it is important for u, but not for us, we were hitting for u when ur resources was cutted...

Ah, so alliance works only by that is important to you, not to everyone? I rest my case.
P.S Kami, stop living under a rock x4

Ukraine attacks us first to seek balance in the game.

Alliance is gone now Nakitu. and japan will be wiped

I don t care about being wiped. Japan never surrender and Japan will never be with fake allies.

u was it. just fake ally

I can smell fear in Japan :-)

More humility.

Seems like empty threats to me

seriously i dont get it:| by blood?

@DeadLight, ofcourse you dont understand

Ukraine attacked Japan for their reasons, im also talk with them and asked to stop the attack. I ll try to understand reasons of the Ukrainian attack and its not only balance.

Kami, why are you fighting against balance then, in german borders?

Chirp Chip Phor 

Chirp Chirp Abe 

If anyone write Emperor once more, I guess I will shit my pants.

Wtf.... by blood?¿???¿???????¿¿???????????????????????????¿¿????????????¿¿???????¿¿?????????????¿?¿??????????¿???¿??????¿?????¿???????¿??????¿????????

stoned already...?

Throne is Kami s birthright 

You can t actually be serious.

We, the Emperors of eRevollution by blood right, command you Kami to stop talking bulls**t. You may stand up now.

lol serbia wants to give lesson to japan and then they will say lets be ally again we need bonuses (it was past goverment stupidy :d xd)

I remember, not so long ago, you LEFT the game like a spoiled child that has lost a toy x2

This table is a prof of Serbian selfishness, almost 2B damage for ally, shame on you Vtoro Kosmato Zurno, shame on you...

The talk of real and true man, great Emperor.

kami are you like 12 or smh ? emperor by blood ? this is just a game ffs lol

No vene no vote

if you want to free your hands of this mess join a true comunity, join e ireland

You don t know how many traitors we have (problem is serbs and yugoslavischen like in Japan), where is one serb there is a problem...support for true Japan!