انتشار شده در Serbia - اولین قدم در eRevollution - 23 May 2016 08:03 - 22
Meet Suba...
Suba is small bear from other side of river Drina. Even if he is small and weak, we accepted him in our big and great MU, Serbian Special Forces, knowing that little Suba has big heart. Time was ping, some of members like Gricko belived its big waste of food we share on that weak creature. Even some members of command of MU belived there wont happen nothing big from this sort of player.
Until today...
One morning tinkerbell woke up...
Oh wait...
One morning , dark forces decided to froze latino beauty,
one and only true love of little Suba. Time was ping and Suba realised he is the only one who should continue strugle of his beloved "friend" and protect his BH hunt. But, its not what Dark side wanted to see...
From the far far ,far far, far away country , Baguetteland, comes the strong and powerfull Battle Hunter chaser, one and only, Magellan.

But its not what little Suba think. He realise this is the day to show his big heart! BATTLE started, another David versus Goliat battle has begun, and ended soon as well.

Tito Argenti can be proud.
SSF can be proud.
Serbia can be happy to have this beast fighters like Suba is on their side.
Japan cannot.
Let it go...

Im glad if u enjoyed in "Little Suba" story as much as I do.
If u forgot, vote my last article where its described why Serbia lost two battles yesterday (SPOILER ALERT: eVOKASI DIDNT HOLD THE DOOR!)

Suba is small bear from other side of river Drina. Even if he is small and weak, we accepted him in our big and great MU, Serbian Special Forces, knowing that little Suba has big heart. Time was ping, some of members like Gricko belived its big waste of food we share on that weak creature. Even some members of command of MU belived there wont happen nothing big from this sort of player.
Until today...

Oh wait...
One morning , dark forces decided to froze latino beauty,

From the far far ,far far, far away country , Baguetteland, comes the strong and powerfull Battle Hunter chaser, one and only, Magellan.

Comparing to this guy, Suba with Q3 Trening Center couldnt do much...

But its not what little Suba think. He realise this is the day to show his big heart! BATTLE started, another David versus Goliat battle has begun, and ended soon as well.

Tito Argenti can be proud.
SSF can be proud.
Serbia can be happy to have this beast fighters like Suba is on their side.
Japan cannot.
Let it go...

Im glad if u enjoyed in "Little Suba" story as much as I do.
If u forgot, vote my last article where its described why Serbia lost two battles yesterday (SPOILER ALERT: eVOKASI DIDNT HOLD THE DOOR!)

نظر ها (22)

Srpska nejač jača od Francuske jači!

Pišaj po Francuskoj sirotilji o/

little Suba


StronK SuBa !!!

kad subo udari magelan skida gace xD

hold the door !!!

o7 vote for suba

suba stronk!

what the hell is Battle Hunter chaser?





Magellan, blame Japan!

Pouka price dont se kaciti sa little suba inace ce da vam dokaze da ste nejach

no boban no vote


Good article bajo moj

Little suba peder