Publier en United States of America - Débâts politiques et analyses - 20 Jun 2016 21:49 - 14

Yesterday our former President TheMadCatter has resigned office due to real life contrains and has left me, his Vice President, the task to fill his shoes and lead our nation for the reminder of the term.
I would like to thank him for his service and wish him the best of luck in his endevours out there. In the meanwhile, we have a lot of work to do and I hope to get as much done until this term is over. Considering this, I will be exposing here most of my plans for the remaining weeks of this Presidential term, as well as the most recent cabinet changes so that you, fellow american, are informed of what is happening in our government.

As some of you may understand, while the majority of our government remained unchanged, a new Vice President had to be selected as well as a new Secretary of Media due to the fact Emphos resigned because of real life commitments as well. Therefore, I present you the cabinet for the reminder of the term:
President - Abraham Lincoln
Vice President - Thomas Killah
Secretary of State - Monkus
Secretary of Defense - Badwolf
Secretary of Citizen Affairs - Hunburry
Secretary of Media - Orwell
Secretary of Technology - Tanishq
National Security Council Director - Arith
Economic Council Members: Monkus; Arith; Tricky Dick

As some of you may understood, part of both candidates platforms was to inject USD into the economy in order to devalue it. That plan will carry out with me sitting in the big chair, however, as some of you regular citizens may understand, Congress has the oversight at how the national money is spent.
Sure, as President I may request money for this or that purpose as long as it is outlined in the National Budget, but there is a lot of work to get done in the economic plan.
As such, here are some of the things I want to see accomplished together with Congress until the end of this term:
1. Deflate the currency to a reasonable level.
2. Reform our tax code in order to ease the strangle on workers and allow a more open and global economy
3. Craft a responsible budget for our government that can support the programs we need.
I know this sounds very broad and inespecific but I can say that we have some economic bills in Congress up for debate for which I am not allowed to speak about due to their highly sensitive nature. These points will be addressed as soon as the plans are already in motion and such sensitiveness is no longer required.

For the reminder of the term, there are a few goals I wish to accomplish in here too. Those are related to our territories as well as our internal military structure.
In regards of our territorial goals, here's what I have in mind:
1. Progressive return of our core regions in posession of Japan, being a priority Idaho and South Dakota.
2. Progressive return of our core regions in posession of Indonesia and Mexico.
The second goal is not as much as a priority now due to strategical reasons. It is important that our allies keep a military base in there for the time being. I would like to inform that while this may be a priority, we are also subject to alliance regulations and as such some of these goals might suffer delay.

I have personally requested a meeting with the current members of the National Security Council in order to give each military unit a purpose and make our military power more efficient. As such, in a space of 24 to 48h a meeting will be conducted with all high ranked military personnel in order to debate improvements and possibilities.
I am personally for giving each military unit a purpose, something along these lines:
1 Military Unit to act as a Military Academy dedicated to new players.
1 Military Unit to act as the main forces of our country.
1 Military Unit to be the Special Forces or a rapid response team that is capable of dropping dozens to hundreds of millions of damage in the last minutes of a battle as emergency.
Naturally these plans are not yet set into stone and will likely suffer revisions.
As for our offensive in Spain, we will continue to comply with the Mutual Defensive Pact Alliance and coordinate in this war. We may have lost a battle today in Castilla y Leon but we were up against a Q4 Defensive system and while we may have lost one, the alliance won in the other 2 fronts. Spain only delayed the inevitable which is a consequence of their smartest move of the century of breaking their word of not attacking anyone while negotiating peace surounded by enemies.

Great work there Spain!

This program is meant to advertise eRevollution outside as a means to bring new players here and boost our nation's lational growth. We will be working our hardest for the success of this program and we will be doing our best to make sure we have all necessary tools to receive these new players!

The supply programs are now working and there is a Discord server for the Department of Citizen Affairs I encourage every new player to join:
In this server you'll find games and experienced people who will be able to guide you through your struggles in the first days as citizen. Who knows? You may even encounter the President himself!
In what regards Education and the University, we are working on a platform that is used by many real life Universities. This platform allows us to set up courses, plans and even allows us to add teachers with grading roles and such. We may be adding rewards and graduation plans for the students who complete their education as a mean to stimulate activity and general knowledge of the game among the new player.
I take the opportunity to inform that the government hub page is still under construction but here is a leak of what it looks like at the current moment:

This are all the updates I can give you for the time being. More will come over time, but there is a message I want to leave here for the current party leaderships as well as the Congressional Delegations.
As a previous Congressman, I am happy to see debates and to actually see people engaged. It has been a rewarding experience, however I do have to leave some emphasis on this: Please do not let the partisanship take over your true goal. Your true goal as Congress is to make sure the country progresses and that we have helpful and useful legislation for it. Sure, sometimes what you think is good may not be agreed by everyone, but that does not mean you can't talk things out, negotiate and attempt to reach a compromise accross the House. Remember to work together and leave whatever political bad feelings or judgement aside.
This is all I have to say for now. You may all return to your regularly scheduled clicking!
Thank you and kind regards,

KinyasdreeHunBurryCommentaires (14)

First denied!


Thank you Frank
Congratz you too

Pole mexicana!

congratulations o/


I hate America policy

O7 Wonderful state of the union report. Wishing luck and good judgement for the members of this esteemed cabinet!

he leave after he get a cash.... nice.

Nope Japan dont give regions back till you dont arrest Abraham and deport him to Japan for crimes of writing such good articles,he will have fair trial and will be assimilated in Japan Empire forever. Shiro has spoken.

@Shirochi don t mames xD

A freakin University.....Abe nooooooice
