Publier en Romania - Divertissement - 22 Jun 2016 16:27 - 2
Buna tuturor,
Acest articol este in continuarea primul articol iar cei inscrisi deja din faza grupelor sunt rugati sa trimita pronosticurile pentru saisprezecimi. Cei care doriti sa intrati in joc din aceasta faza, inca se mai pot trimite pronosticuri doar ca porniti cu un dezavantaj de aproximativ ~100 de punte datorita scorurilor deja ghicite de cei intrati din faza grupelor (dar inca puteti sa castigati unul din premiile speciale). Daca totusi optati sa va inscrieti trimiteti rezultatele prin mail, si sa specificati si numarul cu care a-ti dat subscribe+vot la acest articol. (Daca sunteti deja subscribers la ziarul meu specificati asta)
Scopul acestui joc este ghicirea scorurilor, iar mailurile se pot primi si pe parcursul discutarii partidelor doar ca acele partide deja discutate sau in curs de discutare la ora trimiterii mailurilor nu vor fi punctate.
Meciurile a caror pronosticuri urmeaza a fi ghicite sunt cele din optimi, si acestea sunt urmatoarele:
25.06.2016 - 06:00 - Switzerland - Poland - 1 : 1 (4 : 5)
25.06.2016 - 09:00 - Wales - Northern Ireland - 1 : 0
25.06.2016 - 12:00 - Croatia - Portugal - 0 : 1
25.06.2016 - 06:00 - France - Ireland - 2 : 1
25.06.2016 - 09:00 - Germany - Slovakia - 3 : 0
25.06.2016 - 12:00 - Hungary - Belgium - 0 : 4
25.06.2016 - 09:00 - Italy - Spain - 2 : 0
25.06.2016 - 12:00 - England - Iceland - 1 : 2
* Ora specificata mai sus este ora eRevolution! Ora Romaniei este ora afisata +10. Asta ca sa nu pierdeti cumva meciurile si sa ma injurati ;)
1. Fiecare are dreptul sa trimita un singur mail pentru fiecare etapa incepand cu etapa grupelor.
2. Puteti alege sa nu dati pronosticuri la toate meciurile, doar ca sansele de castig va sunt diminuate.
3. Puteti trimite cum am spus mai sus oricand mailul, chiar si pe parcursul discutarii etapei respective, doar ca meciurile deja discutate sau incepute la trimiterea mailului nu vor fi punctate.
4. Se specifica doar tara castigatoare sau egalul, nu si scorul.
5. Fiecare meci castigat ghicit va fi punctat cu 5 puncte, iar egalurile cu 10 puncte. (egalurile sunt valabile doar in etapa grupelor)
6. Un meci este considerat castigat la finalul acestuia, indiferent daca acest final este dupa lovituriile de penalizare sau prelungiri.
7. Pronosticurile vor fi trimise doar prin mail, specificarea lor prin comment va duce la descalificarea acelui competitor.
8. Pentru a fi validati ca si competitori in mail specificati va rog numarul cu care ati dat subscribe+vot la acest articol. (Ex: S33-V33)
9. Acest joc este valabil pentru oricine doreste sa participe, gratis, dar cine doreste sa contribuie cu vreun premiu este rugat sa scrie in
comment suma in CC, GOLD sau iteme, pe care mi-o trimite si poate adauga si un link catre ziarul lui ca si reclama cu drept de sponsor.
Cei care vor avea la sfarsitul campionatului cele mai multe puncte vor fi recompensati cu premii dupa cum urmeaza:
Locul I cu 10 GOLD
Locul II cu 6 GOLD
Locul III cu 4 GOLD
Deasemenea vor fi acordate si 3 premii speciale dupa cum urmeaza:
1000 Energie (premiu constand in mancare in valoare totala de 1k) pentru cel care ghiceste finalistele inca din aceasta faza (este rugat sa le specifice in mailul trimis mie). Ex: (Finaliste: Argentina si Brazilia)
1000 Energie (premiu constand in mancare in valoare totala de 1k) pentru cel care a ghicit toate cele 3 rezultate ale meciurilor Romaniei in grupe.
1000 Energie (premiu constand in mancare in valoare totala de 1k) pentru cel care ghiceste scorul final al finalei dupa ultimul fluier al albitrului.
Pentru orice nelamurire, va rog sa scrieti intrebarile in comment, si va voi raspunde. Ulterior discutarii grupelor vor urma si alte articole pentru
etapele urmatoare. Pe parcursul discutarii meciurilor (dar si daca imi permite timpul) voi edita si scorurile.
Bafta tuturor si va astept cu inscrierile pe mail!
Hi everyone,
This article is a follow-up of the last article and the ones already in this game from the group phase have to send another mail with the results of this phase. The ones that still want to gt into the game even at this phase, it is still possible to send your predictions but be aware that you start with a disadvantage of about ~100 points due to the results already guest in the group phase by the ones already entered (but it is still possible to win a special prize). If you still want to enter send your predictions by mail, and also specify the number you subscribed and voted at this article. (If you are already subscribers to my newspaper, please specify this in the mail)
The aim of the game is to guess the scores, and the mails can be received even during the play of the groups with the sole exception that the matches already played or already under discussion at the time of sending the mail will not be scored.
The second set of matches needed to be guessed are the ones in the Romanian version.
* The hour specified is eRevolution time.
1. Anyone can send a single mail for each phase of the play s tarting with the group phase.
2. You can chose to not give predictions for all the games, but your winning odds will be reduced.
3. You can send the first mail any time as I specified earlier, even during the group phase, with the sole exception that the matches already played or already under discussion at the time of sending the mail will not be scored.
4. You need to specify only the winning country or draw, not the score.
5. Every matched prediction of a winning game will be scored with 5 points, and the draws with 10 point. (draws are only eligible in the group phase)
6. A game is considered as won at the end of it, even if the end is after penalty kicks or after overtime.
7. Predictions will be sent only by mail, specifying them on the comments will disqualify the owner of the comment from playing the game.
8. To be able to qualify for this game, in the mail please specify the number you subscribed and voted on this article. (Ex: S33-V33)
9. This game is free of charge for anyone who wants to play and win, but who ever wants to contribute with a prize of any kind is encouraged to do so by specifying the amount of CC, GOLD or items in a comment, and to send the prize to me and a mail, and can also as a sponsor write in the comment his link to his newspaper.
The ones that at the end of the championship have the most points will be awarded with prizes shown below:
First prize with 10 GOLD
Second prize with 6 GOLD
Third prize with 4 GOLD
There will also be awarded 3 special prizes as followed:
1000 Energy (prize containing food in total of 1k) for the one that guesses the two finalists from this very stage (he has to specify them in the mail sent to me). Ex: (Finalists: Argentina si Brazilia)
1000 Energy (prize containing food in total of 1k) for the one that guessed all of the 3 results of Romania in the group stage.
1000 Energy (prize containing food in total of 1k) for the one that guesses the final score of the final match after the final whistle of the referee.
For any questions regarding this game please feel free to write a comment and I will answer them as soon as possible. Later after the group phase
there will be other articles for the phases that follow. I will try to keep up the score as my time permits me.
Good luck to everyone and I wait for your mails to enter this game!
Buna tuturor,
Acest articol este in continuarea primul articol iar cei inscrisi deja din faza grupelor sunt rugati sa trimita pronosticurile pentru saisprezecimi. Cei care doriti sa intrati in joc din aceasta faza, inca se mai pot trimite pronosticuri doar ca porniti cu un dezavantaj de aproximativ ~100 de punte datorita scorurilor deja ghicite de cei intrati din faza grupelor (dar inca puteti sa castigati unul din premiile speciale). Daca totusi optati sa va inscrieti trimiteti rezultatele prin mail, si sa specificati si numarul cu care a-ti dat subscribe+vot la acest articol. (Daca sunteti deja subscribers la ziarul meu specificati asta)
Scopul acestui joc este ghicirea scorurilor, iar mailurile se pot primi si pe parcursul discutarii partidelor doar ca acele partide deja discutate sau in curs de discutare la ora trimiterii mailurilor nu vor fi punctate.
Meciurile a caror pronosticuri urmeaza a fi ghicite sunt cele din optimi, si acestea sunt urmatoarele:
25.06.2016 - 06:00 - Switzerland - Poland - 1 : 1 (4 : 5)
25.06.2016 - 09:00 - Wales - Northern Ireland - 1 : 0
25.06.2016 - 12:00 - Croatia - Portugal - 0 : 1
25.06.2016 - 06:00 - France - Ireland - 2 : 1
25.06.2016 - 09:00 - Germany - Slovakia - 3 : 0
25.06.2016 - 12:00 - Hungary - Belgium - 0 : 4
25.06.2016 - 09:00 - Italy - Spain - 2 : 0
25.06.2016 - 12:00 - England - Iceland - 1 : 2
* Ora specificata mai sus este ora eRevolution! Ora Romaniei este ora afisata +10. Asta ca sa nu pierdeti cumva meciurile si sa ma injurati ;)
1. Fiecare are dreptul sa trimita un singur mail pentru fiecare etapa incepand cu etapa grupelor.
2. Puteti alege sa nu dati pronosticuri la toate meciurile, doar ca sansele de castig va sunt diminuate.
3. Puteti trimite cum am spus mai sus oricand mailul, chiar si pe parcursul discutarii etapei respective, doar ca meciurile deja discutate sau incepute la trimiterea mailului nu vor fi punctate.
4. Se specifica doar tara castigatoare sau egalul, nu si scorul.
5. Fiecare meci castigat ghicit va fi punctat cu 5 puncte, iar egalurile cu 10 puncte. (egalurile sunt valabile doar in etapa grupelor)
6. Un meci este considerat castigat la finalul acestuia, indiferent daca acest final este dupa lovituriile de penalizare sau prelungiri.
7. Pronosticurile vor fi trimise doar prin mail, specificarea lor prin comment va duce la descalificarea acelui competitor.
8. Pentru a fi validati ca si competitori in mail specificati va rog numarul cu care ati dat subscribe+vot la acest articol. (Ex: S33-V33)
9. Acest joc este valabil pentru oricine doreste sa participe, gratis, dar cine doreste sa contribuie cu vreun premiu este rugat sa scrie in
comment suma in CC, GOLD sau iteme, pe care mi-o trimite si poate adauga si un link catre ziarul lui ca si reclama cu drept de sponsor.
Cei care vor avea la sfarsitul campionatului cele mai multe puncte vor fi recompensati cu premii dupa cum urmeaza:
Locul I cu 10 GOLD
Locul II cu 6 GOLD
Locul III cu 4 GOLD
Deasemenea vor fi acordate si 3 premii speciale dupa cum urmeaza:
1000 Energie (premiu constand in mancare in valoare totala de 1k) pentru cel care ghiceste finalistele inca din aceasta faza (este rugat sa le specifice in mailul trimis mie). Ex: (Finaliste: Argentina si Brazilia)
1000 Energie (premiu constand in mancare in valoare totala de 1k) pentru cel care a ghicit toate cele 3 rezultate ale meciurilor Romaniei in grupe.
1000 Energie (premiu constand in mancare in valoare totala de 1k) pentru cel care ghiceste scorul final al finalei dupa ultimul fluier al albitrului.
Pentru orice nelamurire, va rog sa scrieti intrebarile in comment, si va voi raspunde. Ulterior discutarii grupelor vor urma si alte articole pentru
etapele urmatoare. Pe parcursul discutarii meciurilor (dar si daca imi permite timpul) voi edita si scorurile.
Bafta tuturor si va astept cu inscrierile pe mail!
Hi everyone,
This article is a follow-up of the last article and the ones already in this game from the group phase have to send another mail with the results of this phase. The ones that still want to gt into the game even at this phase, it is still possible to send your predictions but be aware that you start with a disadvantage of about ~100 points due to the results already guest in the group phase by the ones already entered (but it is still possible to win a special prize). If you still want to enter send your predictions by mail, and also specify the number you subscribed and voted at this article. (If you are already subscribers to my newspaper, please specify this in the mail)
The aim of the game is to guess the scores, and the mails can be received even during the play of the groups with the sole exception that the matches already played or already under discussion at the time of sending the mail will not be scored.
The second set of matches needed to be guessed are the ones in the Romanian version.
* The hour specified is eRevolution time.
1. Anyone can send a single mail for each phase of the play s tarting with the group phase.
2. You can chose to not give predictions for all the games, but your winning odds will be reduced.
3. You can send the first mail any time as I specified earlier, even during the group phase, with the sole exception that the matches already played or already under discussion at the time of sending the mail will not be scored.
4. You need to specify only the winning country or draw, not the score.
5. Every matched prediction of a winning game will be scored with 5 points, and the draws with 10 point. (draws are only eligible in the group phase)
6. A game is considered as won at the end of it, even if the end is after penalty kicks or after overtime.
7. Predictions will be sent only by mail, specifying them on the comments will disqualify the owner of the comment from playing the game.
8. To be able to qualify for this game, in the mail please specify the number you subscribed and voted on this article. (Ex: S33-V33)
9. This game is free of charge for anyone who wants to play and win, but who ever wants to contribute with a prize of any kind is encouraged to do so by specifying the amount of CC, GOLD or items in a comment, and to send the prize to me and a mail, and can also as a sponsor write in the comment his link to his newspaper.
The ones that at the end of the championship have the most points will be awarded with prizes shown below:
First prize with 10 GOLD
Second prize with 6 GOLD
Third prize with 4 GOLD
There will also be awarded 3 special prizes as followed:
1000 Energy (prize containing food in total of 1k) for the one that guesses the two finalists from this very stage (he has to specify them in the mail sent to me). Ex: (Finalists: Argentina si Brazilia)
1000 Energy (prize containing food in total of 1k) for the one that guessed all of the 3 results of Romania in the group stage.
1000 Energy (prize containing food in total of 1k) for the one that guesses the final score of the final match after the final whistle of the referee.
For any questions regarding this game please feel free to write a comment and I will answer them as soon as possible. Later after the group phase
there will be other articles for the phases that follow. I will try to keep up the score as my time permits me.
Good luck to everyone and I wait for your mails to enter this game!