Publier en United States of America - Débâts politiques et analyses - 25 Jun 2016 04:57 - 13

Upon Former President TheMadCatter's resignation, our government has started a series of programs and economic packages in order to address the several issues pending action in our nation. As such, for today, I will give you a series of updates regarding each of the areas our government has been working on. As such, you may find each section here:
1. Economic Updates
2. Military Updates
3. Communication updates
4. Important announcement
Please stay tuned because a lot has happened since the latest update!

Over the course of my latest update, I informed that we were planning a package to inject currency into the market. After several days of Congressional debate, our delegations have finally ped a package of measures to influence our economy and to bring it back to liquidity. Due to the complexity of this measures, Congress has decided to approve only a budget to upkeep basic services until we can start experiencing the effects of this measures on the economy.
Congressional Budget
ST6 - 800 USD
rUSAM - 1000 USD
MPPs - 65 gold
This are the lines of the current budget. The Department of Citizen affairs is going to be privately funded for the time being while we predict and study the effects of the Economic package proposed by our Secretary of State Monkus. As predicted in the law, adjustments may be done to the budget over the course of time should the need arise.
Economic Package
The economic package includes the following measures:
1. Print currency and inject portions of it into the market.
2. Complete revision of the tax code.
Despite the complexity of the bill, it has ped in Congress and it is now on it's way to be enforced. As you can see, Congress has already put forth the plan to print currency here:
In regards of the tax code revision, the following tax code has been proposed:
Work Tax - 5%
VAT - 5%
Import taxes - 15%
Import taxes on houses, tanks and helicopters - 25%
This new tax revision will open our economy to foreign investments and stimulate a more free and open market. We have already started to correct the tax code but in order to fix all goods regarding VAT and Import taxes it will take at least 9 more days to do so uming we manage to get a proposal up every day nonstop.
The currency devalue is a more immideate process and it shall be concluded within the next few days. This package also includes other measures but these are sensitive and will not be made public until the process is completed.
I take the opportunity to thank Congressman Monkus for taking the time and effort to draft this bill in order to address the economy more in depth.

Military Updates

As you may understand, I mentioned a comprehensive restructure of our military system in my latest update, mostly in order to give each military unit a specific purpose. However, after carefully considering the options, I proposed the National Security Council a full document that establishes the NSC policies as well as options for military organization.
You may consult the document here: https:///1HAztC
The document defines procedures to nationalize Military Units, privatize them as well as other core precepts we should have defined before. While this are important things to consider, the most important thing are the options regarding which roles the Military Units will take. So far this are the options up for debate:
Option A - USAF Structure
Training Academy - Hammilton Batallion
Main Forces - Seal Team 6
Special Forces - rUSA Militia
Option B - USAF Structure
Training Academy - The Contract Army
Main Forces - Seal Team 6
Special Forces - rUSA Militia
Option C - USAF Structure
Training Academy - rUSA Militia
Main Forces - Seal Team 6
Special Forces - Hammilton Batallion
Option D - USAF Structure
Training Academy - rUSA Militia
Main Forces - Seal Team 6
Special Forces - The Contract Army
A special note for The Contract Army mostly because should this document be accepted as policy and TCA be given one of the roles, most likely TCA will have to drop it's political ties to the Enlightned Contract Party. The reasoning here is simple: While many Commanders and Military Officers from all MUs in our country are politically active, the Military should be apolitical and serve only the purpose of protecting our nation's integrity. This purpose shouldn't be derailed by whatever political beliefs each officer, soldier or recruit may have.
As soon as the National Security Council decides which structure to follow, I will personally inform you all of the results and revisions of this document.

This is a program in its inception with one very specific purpose: Increase the presence of our soldiers in our communication means and increase coordination. Now you may ask, how will it work?
We will start by collecting private donations for this program, you may donate whatever you wish to, be it gold, currency or any type of goods (weapons, food, materials, etc.. ) in order to create a stockpile for it. If you wish to donate to Arm America Program, fill this form: https:///gfFZV6 - And after it, feel free to send me the goods you wish to donate.
After we have a decent sized stockpile is when the real fun begins!
The government still has not decided whether we will open a server or a channel in an existing server for this type of operation, however the idea is simple:
Every soldier in the USAF and other private military units will be informed of planned mive attacks in specific battles. Some hours before the Mive attack takes place, all Commanders will notify their soldiers of the attack, hour, battle and server link in order to participate. The soldiers that show up and participate in the mive attacks and help coordinate efforts will receive extra supplies! The supplies may include extra food and weapons! New players who show activity may find this an important opportunity to meet their officers as well as learn the ropes at how the military works.
Small Diplomatic updates
The US Government is currently working on negotiating a solution regarding our core regions in conversations with Japan and Indonesia. More updates will be given as soon as more progress is done in the coming days.

Not much in here except a reinforcement of what our Secretary of Media announced recently. Our government is open to suggestions and will actively listen to the citizens. Right now, you have two extra means to reach our government out.
The White House Poll
The White House Poll is a way for our cabinet to collect suggestions and to understand the needs of improvement in this or another area of our government. If you feel like giving us a suggestion and input, feel free to fill this survey: http:///forms/qsNU4vs9xITRnCDw1
White House Petition
Any american citizen may request start a petition regarding any area of the US Government by filling this form: http:///forms/LOUnlA9axihcGydn1
There are certain rules however:
1. Only american citizens may start petitions
2. Trolling/nonsense petitions will not be considered
The petition form will be open for 3 days. If there are petitions, it closes and an article exposing the petition and requesting signatures from the lation will open. In case there is considerable support, the White House will officially answer.
I take the chance to inform that my inbox is open for any questions the citizens may have.

We need to increase our manpower by relying on recruitment and bring more american players into the game. We need to make sure we have a clear Department of Citizen Affairs for our new players to learn their way around the game. We need to increase our production and supply of food so that each person can fight more times and do hopefully more than the usual Daily Order.
We need to find ways to increase our fire power and oil up our military, do coordinated attacks and strike hard for the alliance. We need more organization and more communication.
This are things we need and I got us this far. It is with great pleasure that I announce that I will be running for the office of President of the United States in July! I got you all this far and should you elect me, I will keep moving us forward towards a more stable and stronger country!
You all deserve to know I have such plans and as such, you will be knowing them in detail in a few days as well as my cabinet for the coming month. Until the election, whatever the result may be, I will continue to faithfully serve you as your President!

This is all I have to say for now. You may all return to your regularly scheduled clicking!
Thank you and kind regards,

This message has the seal of approval of the President of the eUnited States

dreeCommentaires (13)

First denied for another month!

i like the way you are writing articles

It s a way to keep my people informed. I m CP, it s my obligation 


vV Nice..some ideas are up and running in that other game, but hey, why not use something that works?

What are you suggesting synhro ?

Arm America is working really well in that other game for instance.

Ah yes
one of the reasons why I activated it. We need more activity

Come to Japan Abe

You need me to activate your activities ♪ ♫ ♬💛 more like... my avatar
💛 ♪ ♫ ♬

This is how can someone get my subscriber and vote! o/
Love this article and how you lead a real country..
This is how the game is more interesting