Publier en Portugal - Débâts politiques et analyses - 10 Jul 2016 04:35 - 24

I am newly elected Secretary of Public Relations of MDP alliance. The new HQ will be presented soon. In the meantime I wish to publish the NAP which MDP member Portugal and Venezuela agreed upon.

NAP Treaty: Portugal and Venezuela
I - Preamble:
The war between Portugal and Venezuela has now been going on for one month. Some days ago, Ancestral, Portuguese CP, approached Venezuelan CP, yenderickson, so that some sort of diplomacy could be reached.
The attacks continued but when Venezuela was left with one region, a total cease-fire was called and both countries advanced to the preparation of a NAP.
The following terms are the result of this negotiations and they were agreed by both sides.
II - Terms and Conditions:
1. Portugal will keep the regions of Central Venezuela and Central Western Venezuela for 30 days, counting from the day this NAP is signed;
2. Portugal will rent the Oriente region in Cuba and the cost of the rent will be split 50/50 between Portugal and Venezuela;
3. Venezuela will receive all its regions back as soon as possible;
4. Portugal and Venezuela can have training wars during this period. These TW will only happen if both
countries agree and schedule a date. The TW will be held in the Zulian region (repeated bonus for Venezuela), so if Portugal takes the region, the following TW will be Venezuela attacking Zulian. All costs (renewing DW and attacking price) will be split 50/50 between both countries;
5. There will be no more attacks other than the ones required for Venezuela to get its regions back and the TW agreed by both countries;
6. After the 30 days period, both Governments will meet and negotiate the possibility of Portugal renting the regions for another period of time. It will be up to the Governments in charge at that time to seat at the table and decide;
7. Portugal and FAS alliance will not engage in any direct attacks between each other. TW and region distribution predicted both in this and in the Iberian NAP are not considered as direct attacks.
III - Signatures
MDP Headquarters:
Supreme Commander -
Vice Supreme Commander -
Secretary of Foreign Affairs -
FAS Headquarters:
FAS Commander -
Heads of State:
President of Portugal -
President of Venezuela -
Officials in signatures list have to sign the above treaty in article comments.
Kind Regards
Secretary of Public Relations
Commentaires (24)







With the Cuban gov concern? Incredible, the Cubas rps, continue with the cp approved... Cuba sera Libre!!!

can i Translate this?

Sure @Keinez.





Firmado. 2° Comandante de las FAS. No entiendo aun el porqué de escribir esto solo en inglés si Portugal y Venezuela son países hispanos.

Portugal no es hispano... Mas somos todos latinos... Tens razão. Vou tratar da tradução para português e espanhol. Agradeço às FAS pela disponibilidade e resposta rápida! o7


Signed by SC of MDP .